Web development & CRM / ERP - Kamee Software House

Kamee Software House - Our Standards

check_circle best UX design

check_circle efficiency testing

check_circle software guarantee

check_circle best UI design

check_circle high-security standards

check_circle RWD approach

check_circle double-testing

check_circle customer-owned software

Web aplications

Number of implemented solutions 100+

Kamee Software House - Our Offer

Web Application Development

Krakow based web application developers Based in Krakow, Poland, we aim at helping businesses to streamline their processes by building... Read more

Web Application Prototyping

The first step in web application development is preparing the documentation and the prototype.  This important task determines the whole... Read more

MVP Application Development

What is a Minimum Viable Product?   An MVP is a basic version of the actual product. It should have only... Read more

Kamee Software House - Contact form


kamee sp. z o.o.

ul. Na Błonie 15/57
30-147 Kraków

NIP: 677 240 70 93
REGON: 36524526200000
KRS: 0000633262

