Pan American Journal of Public Health (PAJPH) | PAHO



World hepatitis day

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

Call for papers: Better care for NCDs

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading causes of death in the Region of the Americas, leading to 6 million deaths in 2021, 38% of which are premature in people under 70 years of age. The main NCDs are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, caused by common risk factors of tobacco, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity.  Beyond the impact on mortality, NCDs also pose a significant burden on health systems and societies, with an estimated 240 million people in the Americas living with at least one NCD.

A scoping review and analysis of a series of country experiences to inform the Chilean health financing reform


To analyze international health reform experiences to inform Chile’s health financing reform efforts. 


A scoping review methodology was used. Six countries that met inclusion criteria were used for the comparative analysis: Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Slovenia, and Spain. A profile was prepared for each country describing the financing system, the structures in charge of managing the public health insurance system, and the institution responsible for financing and its attributions regarding healthcare providers. 

World kidney day

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

Salt awareness week

The mission of the Pan American Journal of Public Health is to serve as an important vehicle for disseminating scientific public health information relevant to the Region of the Americas. The journal aims to strengthen national and local health systems and to bridge the gap between health care and policy-makers, ultimately improving the health of the peoples of the Americas.

The role of the Pan American Committee for Safe Vaccination (COPAVASE) in strengthening safe vaccination in the Americas

The Manual for Surveillance of Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination or Immunization in the Region of the Americas represented one of the first steps toward building the regional system for surveillance of events supposedly attributable to vaccination or immunization (ESAVIs) and adverse events of special interest (AESIs). This manual establishes that, after notification and investigation of an event, a national committee of experts should classify the event in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) causality classification.

Oropouche virus – another antecedent event for Guillain–Barré syndrome?

In May 2024, the Pan American Health Organization issued alerts of increased numbers of cases of Oropouche fever in non-Amazonian regions in Latin America. Following this, an association between Oropouche fever and Guillain–Barré syndrome was reported in three patients in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Neurological manifestations have rarely been described in relation to Oropouche virus infection. Previously, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis have been associated with Oropouche virus infection, but now the virus seems also to be associated with Guillain–Barré syndrome.

From hope to reality: How telehealth and strategic procurement are reshaping public health

For decades, the promise of “Leaving no one behind” has been an aspirational goal in global health – an ideal enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and echoed in countless declarations (1). Yet, for millions across the Americas, geographic isolation, socioeconomic disparities, and systemic barriers have long rendered this vision unattainable.

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