Hay's tools

Hay's tools

Hay's tools

Hello. I'm Hay Kranen and this is a list of some tools i've made.

If you want to get in contact send me a mail or leave a message on my Talk page. I'm also on Twitter.

Note: on Wikipedia i'm also known as Husky.


Tools Directory
Discover Wikimedia-related tools
Query Wikidata visually
Wikidata Propbrowse
Browse and view all properties on Wikidata
Add structured data statements to Wikimedia Commons using a game-like interface
Structured Search
Search media on Wikimedia Commons using structured data
Convert Commons file page titles to media ids
External URL stats
A better External links search. Collates all the links so you can view which Wikipedia pages have the most external links to a pattern
Query Dashboard
Create dashboards containing statistics from Wikidata SPARQL queries
Quickly create a query using an arbitrary list of Wikidata IDs
QuickStatements Macro Language: speed up your QuickStatements by using macros
An unaspiring HTTP API server written in Python with lots of Wikimedia-related commands
Get all links from a Wikimedia page and transform to Wikidata items (QIDs)
Wikidata Translate
Use the power of Wikidata to translate a term between two or more languages
Wikidata Reconcile
Python command-line tool to align strings to Wikidata items (QIDs)
Python library and tool for fluent conversion between data formats like JSON, XML and CSV
Node.js library and tool to discover interesting connections starting from a Wikipedia article

The following tools are experimental and/or not maintained. They might not work anymore.

WordPress plugin to include photos from Wikimedia Commons
NLP Wikifact processing
Python tool and Jupyter Notebook to extract 'Did you know?' facts from Wikipedia articles
Close to me
See Wikidata items close to you.
Sum of all Knowledge
A project to visualize the knowledge getting added to Wikidata, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.
Search for up to 50 page titles or items in a Wikimedia project and export to CSV. Handy for alignments.
Multilingual page views
Page views for an article in all available languages using the data from stats.grok.se. This shows you the last 30 days.
Wikidata Skim
A (very) limited, visual, replacement for Wikidata Query which just does one claim, based on the 'linkshere' method of the Wikidata API.
GWT Cook
Preprocess and transform XML from select API's for ingestion in the GLAMWiki Toolset.
Wikimedia Documentation Directory
A way to easily discover Wikimedia-related documentation including all outreach activities e.g GLAM and education. For metrics and other tools please visit the Tools Directory.
Wikidata View
A simple Reasonator-like viewer for Wikidata items using the simplified Wikidata Readyonly API.
Recent acquisitions
Show the newest pages in a category
GTAA Reasonator
The Reasonator is an awesome tool for viewing Wikidata items. This tool tries to provide the same view for items in the GTAA.
Pica Permalink
A small Javascript bookmarklet to generate a permalink to library catalogues that use the OCLC PICA software.
NA Download
A small tool to download all images from a Dutch National Archive inventory.
NA Search
A tool to do a mass search in the Dutch National Archive photo collection
Responsive WD images
Use the 'aspect' property on Wikipedia to serve responsive images
SGD Transform
Add a source URL to XML files provided by the Staten Generaal Digitaal API.


Code for all of these tools is on Github. Please report any issues there.