Management Systems & Operations Research | Integrated Systems Engineering Skip to main content

Management Systems & Operations Research

ISE students working together


The ISE track in Management Systems will be of interest to students who would like to apply their ISE and Operations Research knowledge and skills to careers paths in areas such as healthcare, energy systems, financial management, manufacturing and production systems, insurance, and transportation. This track includes a focus on logistics, supply chain management, optimization, simulation, lean sigma, logistics and supply chain management, as well as management systems engineering and the design of quality and productivity improvement programs.

This track requires students to complete a minimum of 15 credit hours.


Choose three courses (9 hours)

Course Number Credit Hours Course Name
ISE 5043 3 Power Systems: Analysis and Operation

ISE 5110

3 Design of Engineering Experiments
ISE 5220 3 Complementarity Theory and Applications
ISE 5350 3 Probabilistic Models and Methods in Operations Research
ISE 5410 3 Quantitative Models in Production and Distribution Logistics
ISE 5800 3 Advanced Project Management
ISE 5810 4 Lean Sigma Foundations (No longer offered starting AU24.)
ISE 5820 3 Systems Thinking in Engineering and Design
ISE 5830 3 Decision Analysis
ISE 5870 3 Resilience Engineering

Minimum of 6 hours from the following elective options (See degree audit for full list)
     Any ISE technical elective from this track (listed above)
     Any ISE technical elective from another track
     Any outside approved elective