Engineering Economics In-Person (2040.01)
Description: Economic analysis of engineering project alternatives. Cash flow modeling; time value of money; techniques for comparing project alternatives and making solid business recommendations; influence of financial accounting and cost accounting on cash flow models. Course uses MS Excel as primary business tool for modeling.
Prereq: Soph, Jr, or Senior standing in Engineering or BSET program. Units: 2.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Engineering Economics - Online (2040.02)
Description: Economic Analysis of engineering project alternatives. Cash flow modeling; time value of money; techniques for comparing project alternatives and making solid business recommendations; influence of financial accounting and cost accounting on cash flow models. Course uses MS Excel as primary business tool for modeling.
Prereq: Soph standing in Engineering. Units: 2.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Design of Work: Methods and Measurement (2400)
Description: Introduces students to tools and techniques used in work methods design and productivity improvement, including operation analysis, motion study, value engineering, predetermined time systems, time study, line balancing.
Prereq: Soph standing, and enrollment in Industrial and Systems Engineering major or Engineering Physics major. Additional prereq for students enrolled in ISE major: a grade of C or above in English 1110, Math 2568, Stat 3470, and CSE 1222 or 1223 or 1224. Units: 2.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Introduction to Manufacturing Engineering (2500)
Description: Fundamentals of common manufacturing processes, materials and tooling; relationship of product design to required processing sequences and steps, attributes of manufacturing systems.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 350 or IndEng 311. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Linear and Integer Programming (3200)
Description: Introduction to formulation, solution and analysis of continuous and discrete linear models to optimize the design of production and service systems and other engineering applications.
Prereq: Math 2568 or 2174, and CSE 1222 or 1223 or 1224 or Engr 1281.01H or 1281.02H, and enrollment in ISE or Engineering Physics major. Additional prereq for students enrolled in ISE major: CSE 2112. Additional prereq or co-req for students enrolled in ISE major: ISE 2400. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Nonlinear and Dynamic Optimization (3210)
Description: Introduction to nonlinear, dynamic, and network optimization models and solution techniques.
Prereq: 3200, and enrollment in ISE or Engineering Physics major. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Systems Modeling and Optimization for Analytics (3230)
Description: Introduction to formulation, solution and analysis of continuous and discrete linear and nonlinear models to optimize systems using data-driven techniques.
Prereq: Math 1152, 2568, and CSE 2231. Not open to ISE majors or to students with credit for 3200 or 3210. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Production Planning and Facilities Design (3400)
Description: Introduction to production systems control: deterministic and stochastic, static and dynamic, single-stage and multi-stage inventory control, MRP systems, just-in-time, scheduling. Facility and machine location models, storage models (warehouse, ASRS), simple layout models, systematic layout planning with applications in manufacturing, health care, service and logistics.
Prereq: 3200, Stat 3470, and enrollment in ISE or Engineering Physics major. Additional prereq for students enrolled in ISE major: ISE 3600. Units: 4.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Process Engineering for Machining Operations (3500)
Description: Introduction to the machines, tooling, set-ups, processing sequences, processing times, metrology, and safety issues for traditional and selected non-traditional metal cutting operations.
Prereq: 2500, and enrollment in ISE major. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Workplace Ergonomics: Analysis and Design of Physical Work Systems (3600)
Description: Explores physiological and biomechanical principles used to analyze and design work systems (tasks, tools, equipment) so people can perform their jobs more effectively and safely.
Prereq: 2040 and Stat 3470, and enrollment in ISE or Engineering Physics major; CPHR 3.0 or above for students not enrolled in ISE or Engineering Physics major. Prereq or concur: ISE 2400 and MechEng 2040 for students enrolled in ISE major. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Cognitive Engineering Systems (3700)
Description: Human-centered design of cognitive tools and work systems. Human-computer interaction; decision making; human error; computer-supported distributed work; design of decision support systems.
Prereq: 2400, and enrollment in ISE major; or enrollment in Engineering Physics major. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Engineering Project Management (3800)
Description: Project management for engineers, including project life cycle, planning, optimization models, management of change and scheduling and budgeting.
Prereq: 2400, and enrollment in ISE major; or enrollment in Engineering Physics major; or permission of ISE Academic Advisor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation (4100)
Description: Methods for stochastic process and discrete event simulation modeling and system design and decision-making using simulation tools.
Prereq: 2400 and Stat 3470, and enrollment in Industrial & Systems Engineering major; or permission of instructor. Units: 4.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Quality and Reliability Engineering (4120)
Description: Techniques associated with the Total Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma as well as the foundations of reliability engineering.
Prereq: Jr or Sr standing in Engineering, and Stat 3470; or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Individual Studies in Integrated Systems Engineering (4193)
Description: Special topics of general interest to undergraduate students in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Manufacturing Process Engineering (4500)
Description: A thorough quantitative understanding of contemporary manufacturing processes; exposure to laboratory exercises and computer simulations in major manufacturing processes; design for manufacturing and assembly.
Option 1: MechEng 3670. Prereq or concur: MechEng 3503, Or
Option 2: MechEng 2020 or 2040, and WeldEng 4201 or MechEng 3500 or MatScEn 3151; or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering (4510)
Description: This course emphasizes quantitative analysis of manufacturing processes, discusses manufacturing support systems, evaluates interplay between materials and manufacturing, and discusses future manufacturing like automation and data-driven controls.
Prereq: 2500, and enrollment in ISE major. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Capstone Design (4900)
Description: In-depth systems design project for industrial engineering. Exploration and selection of design alternatives; justification, recommendation, and presentation of problems and potential solutions.
Prereq: 2040, 2400, 2500, 3200, 3210, 3400, 3600, 3700, 3800, 4100, and 4120, and enrollment in ISE major. Units: 4.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Undergraduate Research in Integrated Systems Engineering (4998)
Description: Opportunity for undergraduates to conduct research in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Honors Undergraduate Research in Integrated Systems Engineering (4998H)
Description: Opportunity for undergraduate honors students to conduct research in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Honors standing, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Undergraduate Research for Thesis (4999)
Description: Opportunity for undergraduates to conduct research in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 4 completions. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Honors Undergraduate Research for Thesis (4999H)
Description: Opportunity for Honors undergraduates to conduct research in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Honors standing, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 4 completions. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Power Systems - Analysis and Operation (5043)
Description: Power systems analysis and operations, including steady-state analysis, state estimation, and economic operation.
Prereq: 3040, and ECE major; or Sr standing and ISE major; and Math 2568; or Grad standing in engineering or biological sciences or math and physical sciences. Cross-listed in ECE. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Design of Engineering Experiments (5110)
Description: Plan and analyze experiments relevant to system design. Also, students will learn regression and alternative approaches for on-hand data analysis.
Prereq: 4210; or Stat 3470 or equiv, and Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 610 or IndEng 610. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Individual Studies in Integrated Systems Engineering (5193)
Description: Special topics of general interest to graduate students in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Enrollment in department BS/MS program, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Group Studies in Integrated Systems Engineering (5194)
Description: Special topics of general interest to undergraduate and graduate students in Integrated Systems Engineering and related fields.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Linear Optimization (5200)
Description: Introduction to the linear optimization and applications. Topics include model formulation, solution methods, polyhedral and duality theory, sensitivity analysis, and software usage.
Prereq: Math 2174, 2415, 2568, or 4568, and permission of instructor; or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 720 or IndEng 702. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Theory of Linear Optimization (5201)
Description: Introduction to linear optimization with an emphasis on theory. Topics include model formulation, solution methods, polyhedral and duality theory, sensitivity analysis, and software.
Prereq: Math 2174, 2415, 2568, or 4568, and permission of instructor; or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 5200 (720). Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Complementarity Theory & Applications (5220)
Description: Describes complementarity models and their solution techniques. It includes optimality conditions, equilibria, mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints and equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints.
Prereq: 3200, or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Electricity Market Analytics (5225)
Description: This course provides an analysis of decision-making tools for electricity markets, addressing the perspectives of the market operator, producers, retailers, and consumers.
Prereq: 3200, or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Decomposition Techniques in Mathematical Programming (5230)
Description: This course provides a description of decomposition techniques to solve large-scale optimization problems with decomposable structure. Partitioning techniques considered include Dantzig-Wolfe, Benders and Lagrangian decompositions. The considered techniques are illustrated using examples and case studies from the energy sector.
Prereq: 3200 and 3210, or Grad standing. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Probabilistic Models and Methods in Operations Research (5350)
Description: Introduces probabilistic modeling techniques in operations research like Markov Chains, Poisson Processes, and Markov Decision Processes. Modeling, theory, and applications are discussed.
Prereq: 3200 and Stat 3470; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 7300. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Quantitative Models in Production and Distribution Logistics (5410)
Description: Introduction to quantitative models in supply chain management and logistics including: location analysis, inventory management, vehicle routing, coordination, risk pooling, reverse logistics.
Prereq: 3210 and 3400. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Warehouse and Facility Design (5430)
Description: Broad exposure to facility planning and design, and distribution center layout and operations. Topics include current material handling equipment technology, and warehouse systems and operations.
Prereq: Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Linear Programming. Not open to students with credit for 742. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Fundamentals of Solid State Processing (5501)
Description: Application of basic principles of heat transfer, tribology, and elastic/plastic deformation for metallic solids to manufacturing processes.
Prereq: MechEng 2010, 2020, and 2040, or equiv, and Sr or Grad standing in Engineering. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Manufacturing Processes and Simulation (5503)
Description: An introduction to theory and simulation of different manufacturing processes. Learn to apply numerical methods to manufacturing processes such as machining, hot embossing, and injection molding.
Prereq: Jr or Grad standing in Engineering, or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial Automation (5520)
Description: Industrial Automation teaches the design, application, and computer logic and control of various mechanical, pneumatic, electrical, and electronic sensors and actuator devices for industrial systems.
Prereq: 2500, or Grad standing in Engineering. Units: 1.5
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advanced Sheet Forming Laboratory (5521)
Description: Computational and experimental laboratory based hands-on introduction to the fundamentals and applications of sheet forming processes. Students who took a version of this course offered as a group studies may not receive credit for 5521.
Prereq: 2500, or permission of instructor. Units: 1.5
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial Robotics (5525)
Description: Operating principles, selection, use of proximity and optical sensors; switches, relays, actuators; electric motors and controls; electro-pneumatic devices; integration of these for automated industrial systems.
Undergrad Prereq: Engr 1182.01, 1182.02, 1182.04, 1282.01H, 1282.02H, 1282.04H, or 1188, and Jr or Sr standing. Grad Prereq: Grad standing in Engineering. Units: 1.5
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Polymer Processing Fundamentals (5540)
Description: Applies fundamentals of transport phenomena and polymer constitutive equations to the analysis of manufacturing of plastic components.
Prereq: MechEng 2020, 2040, or equiv. Prereq or concur: MatScEn 2251, MechEng 4510, or equiv. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Principles of Precision Engineering (5550)
Description: Principles of precision engineering with focus on design and performance of precision machinery, machine tool metrology and precision manufacturing processes.
Prereq: MechEng 2010 and MechEng 2020; or MechEng 2040. Not open to students with credit for 752.01. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Manufacturing Processes and Machine Tools (5555)
Description: Focuses on machining processes: cutting, grinding and milling. It includes descriptive and analytical treatment of machining processes, equipment, computer control and integrated systems.
Prereq: Jr, Sr, or Grad standing in Engineering, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 651.01 or IndEng 611. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Manufacturing Data Processing and Analysis (5570)
Description: Project-based introduction to manufacturing data streams and methods to process and analyze them towards solving manufacturing problems in process planning and quality control.
Prereq: CSE 1222, 1223, 1224 or 2021; and STAT 3470, 3450, or 3460; and major in Engineering; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for ISE 5194. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Principles of Occupational Biomechanics and Ergonomics (5600)
Description: Introduction to anatomical, physiological, and biomechanical bases of physical ergonomics; workplace assessment techniques; biomechanical modeling; bioinstrumentation; preparation for advanced topics and research.
Prereq: Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 660. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Ergonomics in the Product Design Process (5610)
Description: Provides students with an understanding of where and how ergonomic principles are incorporated into the design and evaluation of consumer products.
Prereq: 3600 and 3700 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 769. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Risk Assessment Tools for Occupational Musculoskeletal Disorders (5620)
Description: Provides students with an understanding and working knowledge of tools used to assess risk of occupationally related musculoskeletal disorders.
Prereq: 3600 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 761.01 or 761.02. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Occupational Safety: Analysis and Design of Work Environments (5640)
Description: Introduction to workplace hazards and controls for engineers and others who design workplaces, equipment, tools, and processes.
Prereq: Enrolled in a major in the College of Engineering, or Construction Systems Management; or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 664 or 665, or to pre-majors. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Introduction and Practical Experience in Ergonomics Research (5650)
Description: To provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to engage in applied ergonomics research in a group setting. To provide graduate students the opportunity to engage with undergraduates in a mentoring and collaborative research setting.
Prereq: Stat 3470, or equivalent. Coreq or prereq: ISE 3600, or 3700, or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs or 3 completions. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Fundamentals of Product Design Engineering (5682.01)
Description: Lecture covering the fundamentals of the product design process, from concept creation to final implementation, including product architecture and design for manufacture and assembly. An optional, corresponding project-based lab course (ME 5683) offers practical application of this material. Only open to students enrolled in majors in the College of Engineering.
Prereq: Jr, Sr, or Grad standing in the College of Engineering, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 5682, 5682.02, 5560, MechEng 5682, 5682.01, or 5682.02. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Product Design Engineering for Entrepreneurs (5682.02)
Description: Fundamentals of the product design process, from concept creation to final implementation, including product architecture and design for manufacture and assembly.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 5682, 5682.01, MechEng 5682, 5682.01, or 5194 (Abell - AU15, SP16, AU16). Cross-listed in MechEng. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Fundamentals of Product Design Engineering Laboratory (5683)
Description: This course is an optional laboratory to go with ISE/ME5682.01. This project-based lab gives students hands-on experience with the product design process introduced in lecture. Students will work with real people to identify opportunities to create innovative, product-based solutions. Students will go through the design process from conducting user research all the way to constructing prototypes.
Prereq or concur: 5682.01 or MechEng 5682.01, and enrollment in a major within the College of Engineering. Not open to students with credit for 5682, 5682.02, MechEng 5682, or 5682.02. Cross-listed in MechEng. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Introduction to Cognitive Systems Engineering (5700)
Description: Human-centered design of consumer products, web sites and complex sociotechnical systems. Topics include human-computer interaction and the design of decision support and distributed work systems.
Prereq: Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3700 (770). Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Behind Human Error: Safety and Complex Systems (5710)
Description: Covers how complex systems fail and the human contribution to success and failure by studying actual disasters in diverse fields.
Prereq: Sr or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 875. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Human Systems Integration (5720)
Description: Concepts and methods for considering the human as part of the design and operation of any system, especially large scale systems and enterprises.
Prereq: Sr or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Cognitive Engineering Systems: Human-Centered Automation (5740)
Description: Provides key concepts to make autonomous systems, robots, and artificially intelligent systems team players with responsible people.
Prereq: Sr or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 771.01. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Human-Centered Machine Learning (5745)
Description: Design and analysis of ML for human users. Topics include: introductory machine learning; interactive ML; ethics in AI; human-agent interaction; human-subject research. Students not familiar with Python should enroll in an introductory python course as a pre- or co-requisite.
Prereq: Sr or Grad standing in Engineering. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Visual Analytics and Sensemaking (5760)
Description: Students learn about information visualization techniques that help people analyze massive amounts of digital data to combat overload and aid sensemaking with applications in retail and financial decision making, logistics, information systems, manufacturing, healthcare, energy and smart grids, cybersecurity and social networks.
Prereq: Jr, Sr, or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 773.01. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Cognitive Engineering Systems: Design and Evaluation (5770)
Description: Evaluation of product and system design to assess usefulness and usability; advanced design concepts for consumer products, web sites, educational tools and information retrieval systems.
Prereq: Sr or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 772. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advanced Project Management (5800)
Description: Advanced project management engineering techniques to implement and optimize project-driven change; communication and leadership strategies critical to successful optimization of a firm's processes and systems.
Prereq: 3800, or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lean Sigma Foundations (5810)
Description: Comprehensive foundation course that is required to complete Green and Black Belt Certification.
Prereq: Enrollment in MEM or MGEL; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 4120 in Autumn 2024 or beyond. Units: 4.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lean Sigma Certification Project (Part I) (5811)
Description: Focuses on industry sponsored LeanSigma DMAIC Certification Projects. Project Selection, Definition and Measure are covered in this course.
Prereq: 5810, and Sr standing, and enrollment in Industrial and Systems Engineering, and permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
LeanSigma Certification Project II (5812)
Description: Focuses on industry sponsored Lean Sigma DMAIC Certification Projects. Improve and Control are the phases covered in this course.
Prereq: 5810 and 5811, and permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Integrated Lean Six Sigma Capstone Certification Experience (5813)
Description: Capstone Senior Design alternative focusing on industry sponsored Lean Six Sigma DMAIC Certification Projects.
Prereq: 5810, or 4120; and permission of instructor. Units: 4.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Systems Thinking in Engineering and Design (5820)
Description: Concepts and heuristics in systems thinking and complex systems analysis and how these concepts apply to engineering and design projects.
Prereq: Sr or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 688. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Decision Analysis (5830)
Description: Introduction to decision analysis, modern utility theory and risk modeling, Bayesian inference, value of information, multiattribute decision modeling, and application to engineering decisions under uncertainty.
Prereq: 3210 and Stat 3470. Not open to students with credit for 684. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Resilience Engineering (5870)
Description: Provides a comprehensive treatment of Resilience Engineering tools to measure, manage, and design complex systems to be resilient in the face of surprising disrupting events.
Prereq: Sr or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Foundations of Data-Driven Sustainable Energy Systems (6020)
Description: Introduction to issues impacting sustainable energy systems across technology, law and policy, business models, resilience, data, geospatial, and decision sciences.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for AEDEcon 6500, EnvEng 6020, FABEng 6020, Geog 6020, or PubAfrs 6020. Cross-listed in AEDEcon 6500, EnvEng 6020, FABEng 6020, Geog 6020, and PubAfrs 6020. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Quality Improvement and Analytics (6120)
Description: Learn skills and concepts associated with Quality Management, Lean Six Sigma, and related research with an awareness of recent research.
Prereq: Grad standing in Engr. Not open to students with credit for 4120. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Individual Studies in Integrated Systems Engineering (6193)
Description: Special topics of general interest to graduate students in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Group Studies in Integrated Systems Engineering (6194)
Description: Special topics of general interest to graduate students in Integrated Systems Engineering and related fields.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Stochastic Optimization (6290)
Description: Examines the modeling, theory, and solution algorithms for stochastic optimization problems.
Prereq: 5200, and Stat 3470 or ISE 7300; or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Simulation for System Analytics and Decision-Making (6300)
Description: Students learn how to collect data and perform input analysis, model systems using discrete-event simulation, and inform system design decision-making through defensible output analysis.
Prereq: Stat 3470 or equiv, and Calculus-based Probability. Not open to students with credit for 730. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advanced Metallic Materials and Processing (6557)
Description: A graduate class in design, processing and simulation of advanced metallic materials including alloys (ferrous and non-ferrous) and metal matrix composites.
Prereq: Grad standing in MatScEn, WeldEng, MechEng, AeroEng, NuclrEn, ISE; or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for MatScEn 6757. Cross-listed in MatScEn 6757. Units: 2.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Project Management for Engineers (6801)
Description: Provides foundational and advanced project management education in an interactive online learning environment as part of the Master of Global Engineering Leadership program.
Prereq: Enrollment in Master of Global Engineering Leadership program, and permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 3800. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Market Engineering and Applications (6840)
Description: Introduction to market engineering concepts and applications to contemporary market design problems such as resource allocation, information aggregation, and decentralized control.
Prereq: 3210 or equiv, and Econ 2001.01 or equiv, and Stat 3470 or equiv, and graduate standing; or permission of department. Not open to students with credit for 5840, or 603, or 703. Units: 4.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research for Thesis in Industrial & Systems Engineering (6999)
Description: Research for the Masters Thesis in Industrial and Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Grad standing in the M.S. program in Industrial and Systems Engineering. Repeatable to a maximum of 50 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advanced Quality Control and Improvement (7120)
Description: Students learn techniques associated with the Total Quality Management and Lean Sigma and additional advanced quality technology. These techniques facilitate measurements of system quality, data-driven system design, and system control/standardization.
Prereq: Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 4120 (510), 610, IndEng 509, or 610. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Individual Studies in Integrated Systems Engineering (7193)
Description: Individual studies for advanced graduate students in Integrated Systems Engineering and related fields.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advanced Nonlinear Optimization (7200)
Description: Unconstrained and constrained nonlinear optimization, covering applications, theory dealing with convexity, optimality conditions, duality, and algorithms.
Prereq: Calculus, linear algebra, computer programming, and an introductory optimization course, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for both 820 and 821. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Reinforcement Learning (7202)
Description: Fundamentals of Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning algorithms.
Prereq: Grad standing in Engineering or Math. Cross-listed in ECE. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Large Scale Optimization (7210)
Description: Introduction to decomposition-coordination methods. Topics include cutting-stock problems, column and row generation methods, and stochastic programming.
Prereq: 5200. Not open to students with credit for 823. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Integer Optimization (7230)
Description: Introduction to the theory and solution methods for optimization problems which contain integer variables. Topics include polyhedral theory, cutting planes, branch-and-bound.
Prereq: Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Linear Programming. Not open to students with credit for 822. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Operations Research Models and Methods (7250)
Description: Examines many basic operations research models from network theory, integer programming, queuing theory, inventory theory and nonlinear programming. Algorithmic concepts are discussed.
Prereq: 5200. Not open to students with credit for 881. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Computational Optimization (7270)
Description: This course focuses on how to determine, empirically and theoretically, if one optimization algorithm is 'better' than another. Familiarity with programming basics, complexity theory, optimization (e.g. ISE 5200, ECE 5759, etc.), optimality conditions (e.g., global v. local, KKT, duality) is recommended. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Stochastic Processes (7300)
Description: Stochastic processes commonly used in Industrial and Systems Engineering, including renewal processes and continuous time Markov chains.
Prereq: 6300 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 830. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Sequencing and Scheduling (7420)
Description: Survey of sequencing/scheduling problems encountered in management systems. Emphasis is given to those problems and solution methods found in the literature.
Prereq: 5200, Calculus, and Linear Algebra. Not open to students with credit for 841. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Computational Analysis of Manufacturing Processes (7510)
Description: This course is designed to teach graduate students about constitutive models used for numerical simulation of the inelastic behavior of bulk and sheet materials.
Prereq: Grad standing in ISE, or MechEng, or MatScEn; and knowledge using commercial math software (Matlab, etc.), or ability to write simple codes with Fortran, C++, etc., and knowledge using commercial FEA code (e.g. ABAQUS, LS-Dyna, PAM STAMP, ANSYS, DEFORM, etc.); or permission of instructor. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advanced Topics in Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Spine Biomechanics (7610)
Description: Advanced readings course of papers on occupational epidemiology, physiology, work-related musculoskeletal disorders, pathophysiology, biomechanics, anthropometry, electromyography, imaging, and modeling as related to spine biomechanics.
Prereq: 5600 (660), or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Biomechanics Research Practicum: Experience in Spine Biomechanics (7615)
Description: Builds upon theoretical information developed in ISE 7610. Provides link between theory and laboratory measurement in assessment of biomechanical issues for occupational low back disorder.
Prereq: 7610 or 7620 or 7630 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advanced Topics in Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Upper Extremity Biomechanics (7620)
Description: Advanced readings course of papers on occupational epidemiology, physiology, work-related musculoskeletal disorders, pathophysiology, biomechanics, anthropometry, electromyography, imaging, and modeling as related to upper extremity biomechanics.
Prereq: 5600 (660), or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Biomechanics Research Practicum: Experience in Upper Extremity Biomechanics (7625)
Description: Builds upon theoretical information developed in ISE 7620. Provides link between theory and laboratory measurement in assessment of biomechanical issues for occupational upper extremity disorders.
Prereq: 7610 or 7620 or 7630 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering: Advanced Topics (7700)
Description: Seminar on emerging themes about human-machine systems and how these relate to current societal issues.
Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering: Models and Methods (7720)
Description: Covers models of human-machine cognitive systems and methods to study of human-machine cognitive systems in complex work settings.
Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Interdepartmental Seminar for MBLE program (7882)
Description: Seminars of general interest to students in the MBLE program, Integrated Systems Engineering, and related fields.
Prereq: Enrollment in the MBLE program, or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Department Seminar (7883)
Description: Provided graduate students with a broad exposure to current research within the various branches of Industrial Engineering, including operations research, human factors/ergonomics, and manufacturing.
Prereq: Grad standing in ISE. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr hrs or 4 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Special Topics in Optimization (8299)
Description: Selected topics in optimization, of special interest to advanced graduate students in Industrial and Systems Engineering and related fields.
Repeatable to a maximum of 16 cr hrs or 4 completions. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Practice in Operations Research (8850)
Description: Application of Operations Research methods in manufacturing, financial, governmental, educational, and service organizations. Students work on actual problems of a sponsoring organization and present oral and written reports.
Prereq: 881. Not open to students with credit for 885. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs. Units: 3.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research in Integrated Systems Engineering (8998)
Description: Opportunity to conduct research in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 50 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Research in Integrated Systems Engineering for Dissertation (8999)
Description: Opportunity to conduct dissertation research in Integrated Systems Engineering.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 50 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded S/U. Units: 1.0
Subject: Industrial and Systems Engineering