一般日本語コース | 北海道大学高等教育推進機構国際教育研究部

概要 Overview


In language education, communication skills and performance ability are now regarded as more significant than grammatical knowledge and vocabulary. The idea of “the ability to perform tasks based on the Can-Do standards,” which CEFR is promoting, has become well known at home and abroad. Each language institution is applying this idea toward its teaching and thus is striving to create its own standards; Hokkaido University has organized the curriculum based on “Hokkaido University Japanese Standards”.

一般日本語コースとは The Outline of General Japanese Course

こうとうきょういくすいしんこうこくさいきょういくけんきゅうは、りゅうがくせいほんじんがくせいきょうどうしておこなかつどうささえる 「ことば」「コミュニケーション」としてのほんきょういくていきょうしています。かいこうレベルはしょがくしゃからじょうきゅうしゃまでの、しょきゅう1〜4、ちゅうきゅう1~3、じょうきゅうのあわせて8レベルあります。コースのがいようについては「いっぱんほんコースじゅぎょうガイド」をんでください。

Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, International Education and Research Division offers Japanese education as a ‘communication’ which develops peer study between international students and Japanese students. We offer eight levels include beginner 1-4, intermediate 1-3, and advanced level. For more information on the course, please refer to the “General Japanese Course guide” .

開講科目 Classes Offered



Survival Japanese
Interaction(Basic Japanese)
Interaction(Practical Japanese)
Expression(Basic Japanese)
Expression(Practical Japanese)
Comprehension(Basic Japanese)
Comprehension(Practical Japanese)
Japanese Seminar
Business Japanese

For more information on the course and application procedures, please refer to the “Japanese Language Course Guide”.

定員 Maximum enrollments


25 students per class

プレースメントテスト Placement test

ほっかいどうだいがくいっぱんほんコースでは、TTBJというオンラインテストサービスをプレースメントテストとしてもちいます。ていするプレースメントテストじゅけんかんないにTTBJの「SPOT90+Grammar90+かんSPOT50」をじゅけんしてください。 じょうPDFにじゅけんほうほうじゅけんながれについてせつめいしてあります。よくんでからテストをけてください。 なお、プレースメントテストはかいじゅうどこからでもじゅけんできます。

(4)に「じつようほん」をじゅこうしてこんがっしょきゅうぶんぽう、またはちゅうきゅうもくしんせいするがくせいは、かならずプレースメントテストをけてください。 また、しょきゅうぶんぽうから「じつようほん」にもくへんこうするがくせいもプレースメントテストがひつようです。

New applicants who have never taken the General Japanese Course must take a placement test (except those mentioned in the Notes (2) below). If you took classes in the previous semester/quarter, you may take a placement test this time, but you do not have to.
The General Japanese course in Hokkaido University use online placement test TTBJ. Please take the test (SPOT90+Grammar90+漢字SPOT50) during the designated placement test period. Please refer to the PDF above to see how to take the test and check the flow after the test. Please check them carefully before taking the test. You can take the test from anywhere in the world.

(1) The purpose of this test is to check the applicants’ Japanese level. If you cheat on the test and register classes higher than your actual level, you may not be able to keep up with the class.
(2) If you have not previously studied Japanese, please DO NOT take the placement test as you will be automatically placed in Introductory 1.
(3) Even if you are not required to take the placement test, such as a first-time Japanese learner or continuing student, you will still need to submit an online application.
(4) If you took Survival Japanese before and are applying for Introductory Japanese Grammar or Intermediate subjects this semester, you are required to take for the Placement Test. You also need to take the Placement Test if you are changing from Introductory Grammar to Survival Japanese.


いっぱんほんコースをじゅこうされるかたは、ぜんいんかならずオンラインしんせいをしてください(もうみは、 こちら)。 もうみスケジュールについては、ポスターを確認してください。なお、 いかなるゆうでもいっぱんほんコースしんせいかんしゅうりょうもうみはけません。 もうみがうまくいかないあいは、 わせフォーム をごかくにんください。

プレースメントテストのけっもとづいて、ひょうの「ほんりょくそうごうスコア」にしたがって、ぶんのクラスをえらんでください。 かんクラスのじゅこうぼうするあいは、「かんりょくそうごうスコア」にしたがってクラスをえらんでください。

All applicants for the General Japanese Course should submit an application from HERE. Please check the poster for the application schedule. No applications are accepted after the designated application period. If your application is not successful, please check the contact form.
Based on the score of the placement test, choose your classes according to the following table. For students who will take Japanese course register classes based on their total Japanese score (日本語力の総合スコア). For students who will take a Chinese character class register based on their total Chinese character score (漢字力の総合スコア).




(1) The classes you can choose from depend on your past class history and placement test scores. Please select classes based on your score and level.
(2) You may be asked to confirm that your placement test score matches your class level in your class, so please save your scores and be prepared to present them.

受講クラス Class lists

(1)けっていしたじゅこうクラス、かんきょうしつは、がっかいまえにメールでれんらくします。 じゅこうクラスは、がくせいページでもかくにんできます。

(1) The results of your class, class times, place of the classrooms will be announced via e-mail before the semester begin. Please refer to the student page for your class information.
(2) The final decision on which class you will be placed in depends on the number of students, so it is not a guarantee that you will be able to take the class you wish to register. Please refer to Japanese Language Course Guide.
(3) Except certain students, General Japanese classes are not accepted as credits.
(4) In principle, students must attend 70% of classes or above. The passing grade is 60% or above.
(5) Introductory Japanese Grammar and Introductory Japanese Communication are offered on a quarter basis. Survival Japanese classes are for a semester system. It is not possible to take these classes together.

問い合わせ先 Inquiries


If you have any inquiries about the General Japanese Course, please refer to the Contact Form.