IPFS has given the users the power of content-addressed storage. The permanent web requires, however, a data redundancy and availability solution that does not compromise on the distributed nature of the IPFS Network.

IPFS Cluster is a distributed application that works as a sidecar to IPFS peers, maintaining a global cluster pinset and intelligently allocating its items to the IPFS peers. IPFS Cluster powers large IPFS storage services like nft.storage and web3.storage:
- An easy to run application:
runs as an independent daemon, independent from IPFS and interacting with the IPFS daemon’s API.
- Handle replication of millions of pins to hundreds of IPFS daemons in a “fire & forget” fashion: pin lifetime tracked asynchronously, the Cluster peers take care of asking IPFS to pin things at a sustainable rate and retry pinning in case of failures.
- Ingest pins at scale: Pins can be added at a very high rate (hundreds per second at least) into the cluster. From that moment they are tracked and managed by the cluster peers.
- Clever prioritization: New pins are prioritized over pin requests that are old or have repeatedly failed to pin.
- Balanced allocation: distribute pins evenly among peers in different groups and subgroups (i.e region, availability zone)… ultimately choosing those with most free storage space available.
- Fully featured API and CLI:
provides a command-line client to the fully featured Cluster HTTP REST API.
- No central server: cluster peers form a distributed network and maintain a global, replicated and conflict-free list of pins.
- Baked-in permissions: an embedded permission model supports standard peers (with permissions to change the cluster pinset) and follower peers (which store content as instructed but cannot modify the pinset).
- Name your pins: every pin supports custom replication factors, name and any other custom metadata.
- Multi-peer add: Ingest IPFS content to multiple daemons directly.
- CAR import support: import CAR-archived content with custom DAGs directly to the Cluster.
- A drop-in to any IPFS integration: each cluster peer provides an additional IPFS proxy API which performs cluster actions but behaves exactly like the IPFS daemon’s API does.
- Integration-ready: Written in Go, Cluster peers can be programmatically launched and controlled. The IPFS Cluster additionally provides Go and Javascript clients for its API.
- libp2p powered: IPFS Cluster is built on libp2p, the battle-tested next generation p2p networking library powering IPFS, Filecoin and Ethereum V2.