IEEE Xplore for Individuals | Innovate IEEE Xplore for Individuals | Innovate

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IEEE Xplore for Individuals

IEEE has multiple subscription options available to access IEEE Xplore for individuals or organizations of varying size or need. Determining the optimum way for you to access the IEEE Xplore Digital Library depends on your research needs and whether you rely on an organization for access or research independently of an organization.

IEEE Xplore Access Options for Any Size Organization

You can help your organization innovate with instant access to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The IEEE Xplore Digital Library provides content from journals and conference proceedings, standards, eBooks, and educational courses—all of which have been proven valuable by top companies, universities and publisher impact ratings. IEEE has many access options available for any size organization and can provide a customized subscription recommendation for your university, corporation, or government agency.

IEEE Xplore Individual Access (for Personal Use Only)

IEEE offers multiple options for IEEE members, students, or other individuals to access the information they need. These options range from single article purchase to personal subscriptions.

› See individual access and membership options.

Please note that these options are for personal use only and cannot be shared with colleagues or other non-subscribers. If your colleagues also need to read these documents or you need additional IEEE information, then a member subscription may not the right option for you.

For more information regarding terms of use for personal subscriptions, please read the Personal Digital Library Subscription Terms of Use.