Government Procurement Information Website



  • 28-Feb-2017 The following two search refinement conditions were added.
    - Published or Last Updated Date
    - Bidding Date
  • 23-Jan-2015 Started RSS service for search results.

About the Govenment Procurement Information Portal Website

  • The Government Procurement Information Portal Website (hereafter referred to as "this website") provides tender notice information collected from websites of national and independent administrative agencies and local government agencies (hereafter referred to as "local agencies.")
  • Should you need any further information regarding the tender notices on this website, please contact the purchasing organizations directly.
  • Information is updated on a daily basis, typically 1 day after updates on local agencies' websites.
  • Due to the technical limitations, this website does not cover information from webpages of certain formats, such as active server pages (.asp).
  • The operator of this website, the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, will not be liable whatsoever for any damage incurred by users attributable to the suspension of services on this website due to site maintenance, or a force majeure such as fire, power outage or other natural disasters, virus, or interference by a third party.

    The operator of this website does not warrant the accuracy, legal validity on legal basis, and so on of information on any website linked to this website. If any problem should arise in connection with the use of any such linked website, users are requested to deal with the matter on the user’s own responsibility. (It is the user's responsibility to handle all matters and problems which should arise in connection to the use of any local agencies websites linked from this website.)

    This website may change or suspend the services without prior notice. The website provider is not responsible for any loss or damages may that arise from such changes or suspension.

Terms and conditions of use

User Environment

  • Please view this site with HTML5 compliant browser.
  • So you may want to view a PDF file, it is recommended that you install PDF viewer software on your PC.