Indian Institute of Science

Satish Dhawan Visiting Professor/Scientist Program

IISc has launched the Satish Dhawan Visiting Professor/Scientist program. This Visiting Professorship is named after Prof. Satish Dhawan, the former Director of IISc, and the chair of the Indian Space Commission.

Under this scheme, visitors are normally expected to spend 1 to several months at IISc, deliver lectures, offer courses,  work on collaborative projects, and interact with faculty members and students at IISc.

The following have currently been appointed under this scheme:

Dr Aruna Sivakumar, Imperial College London
Prof. A J Vinaya Sima, MN
Prof. Allan R Pinhas, University of Cincinnati
Prof. Ana Mijic, Imperial College London
Prof. Andy L Ruina, Cornell University
Prof. Aparna Bhaskaran, Brandeis University
Prof. Arun Shukla, Univ of Rhode Island, USA
Prof. Arun Yetiraj, University of Wisconsin
Prof. Bharat Bhushan, The Ohio State University
Prof. Bhaskar D Rao, University of California
Prof. C.M. Chandrashekar, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Prof. Carla V Rothlin, Yale University
Prof. Chandra R Bhat, The University of Texas at Austin
Prof. D.S. Naidu, Minnesota Power Jack F. Rowe Endowed Chair & Professor of Elec. Engg, University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Daniel Wyler, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr.-lng. Lucienne Theresia Maria Blessing, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTO)
Prof. Elisabeth Guazzelli, Universite de Paris
Prof. Eung Jin Chun, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Prof. Garry L. Brown, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Prof. Giancarlo D’ Ambrosio, Napoli, Italy
Prof. Giancarlo D’Ambrosio, INFN Sezione di Napoli
Prof. Govindaraju S Rao, Purdue University
Prof. Gregory Voth, University of Chicago
Prof. Herbert Levine, Northeaster University, USA
Prof. J N Reddy, Texas A&M University, Taxas, USA
Prof. John Mathews, Oregon State University
Prof. Jonathan Bamber, University of Bristol,
Prof. K R Sreenivasan, NYU Abu Dhabi New York University
Prof. K R Sreenivasan, Yale University, USA
Prof. K V Venkatesh, IIT Bombay
Prof. Lalita Udpa , Michigan State University
Prof. Latha Venkataraman, Columbia University
Prof. Marisa C. Kozlowski, University of Pennsylvania
Prof. Massimo Passera. Italy
Prof. Mukesh Jain, McMaster University
Prof. Murugesu Sivapalan, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Prof. Nandini Trivedi, Ohio State University
Prof. P. Guruswamy, NASA Advanced Supercomputing Div, Ames Res. Centre, California, USA
Prof. Pandu Rangan, IIT Madras
Prof. Pavithra Prabhakar, Kansas State University
Prof. Peter J Hesketh, Georgia Institute of Technology
Prof. Prakash Narayan, University of Maryland
Prof. Pranav Soman, Syracuse University
Prof. Prasad Tetali, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Rajesh P N Rao, Univ of Washington, USA
Prof. Rama K Yedavalli, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Prof. Ramachandra Guha, Historian and Sociologist
Prof. Rao R Tummala, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Ravinder S Dahiya, University of Glasgow
Prof. S S Iyengar, Louisiana State Univesity, USA
Prof. Sajal K. Das, Missouri Univ of Science and Technology
Prof. Samir D Mathur, The Oio – State University
Prof. Sargur N Srihari, University of Buffalo, USA
Prof. Sarthak Misra, University of Twente
Prof. Satyandra K Gupta, University of Southern California
Prof. Shanker Balasubramaniam, Michigan State University
Prof. Shaul Mukamel, University of California
Prof. Shyni Varghese, Duke University
Prof. Siva Athreya, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore
Prof. Sougato Bose, University College London
Prof. Sridhar Kota, University of Michigan
Prof. Srihari Keshavamurthy, IIT Kanpur
Prof. Tracy Slatyer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. Tribrikram Kundu, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Prof. V Parameswaram Nair, City College of the CUNY
Prof. Rajendra Bordia, Clemson University
Prof. Satish Nagarajaiah, Rice University