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Regional Educational Laboratory Pacific
REL Pacific partners with educators and policymakers in American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of Palau, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands to improve learner outcomes. Learn more about REL Pacific.
Key Resources and Events from REL Pacific

Event Strategies for Gaining Insight into Teacher Well-Being: A Webinar Workshop for School and Change Leaders (Part 2) | Mar 12, 2024

Date: March 12 (March 13 in Palau, Guam, CNMI, FSM, Marshall Islands) Time: 12 p.m. HST (7 a.m. Palau, 4 p.m. MT, 6 p.m. ET) Duration: 1 hour Description: This two-part webinar series introduced practitioner-friendly tools for collecting and acting o...
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Event Strategies for Gaining Insight into Teacher Well-Being: A Webinar Workshop for School and Change Leaders (Part 1) | Feb 13, 2024

Date: February 13 (Feb 14 in Palau, Guam, CNMI, FSM, Marshall Islands) Time: 12 p.m. HST (7 a.m. Palau, 3 p.m. MT, 5 p.m. ET) Duration: 1 hour Description: This two-part webinar series introduced practitioner-friendly tools for collecting and acting ...
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Using Instructional Models for Student and Teacher Success

Instructional models provide educators with guidance on how to design, sequence, and deliver instruction that supports student learning. Adopting a schoolwide or systemwide instructional model provides teachers with a common approach and vocabulary t...
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ʻĀina-based Education, Place-based Education, and Project-based Learning

Education models designed to provide students with authentic learning opportunities include fostering connections to the place and local culture(s) where the school is located and working on real-world projects that students may encounter outside of ...
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Implementing Systemic Change in Education

This infographic provides an overview of approaches to leading systemic change in education and the systems change elements of initiation, implementation, and institutionalization. Examples of a systems approach to change are shared in the context of...
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Implementing Systemic Change in Education
This infographic provides an overview of approaches to leading systemic change in education and the systems change elements of initiation, implementation, and institutionalization. Examples of a systems approach to change are shared in the context of...

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This REL Pacific video provides an overview of the benefits of multilingualism and translanguaging in schooling, including how language abilities are interconnected, how these abilities are used in complex ways to create meaning, and how students are...

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