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Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands
REL Northeast & Islands partners with educators and policymakers in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virgin Islands to improve learner outcomes. Learn more about REL Northeast & Islands.
Key Resources and Events from REL Northeast & Islands

Play-based Learning in New Hampshire’s Kindergarten Classrooms

Play is essential to children’s learning and development. This video showcases two kindergarten teachers using a guided play model to offer academically enriching play opportunities to their students in New Hampshire.
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Bringing an Equity Lens to Student Well-being through the MTSS Framework: Guiding Questions for Implementation

Inequities and discrimination negatively impact students’ mental health. This fact sheet offers questions to consider when planning and implementing an MTSS approach to SEL and mental health with an equity lens.
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Supporting Educator Well-being Using Evidence-Based Supports

This fact sheet describes the importance of prioritizing educator well-being and provides practical tips, so that both educators and students can thrive.
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What Are Academic Parent-Teacher Teams?

Learn about the Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT) model, which provides opportunities for parents and teachers to collaborate and learn how to have effective data conversations.
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Supporting Your Student at Home: Tips for Families with Students in Elementary Grades

When families and educators work together to ensure students feel supported, students can do well academically, socially, and emotionally. This fact sheet provides tips for caregivers to help students feel prepared, confident, and ready to learn.
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The Effects of Accelerated College Credit Programs on Educational Attainment in Rhode Island
This study examined participation in accelerated college credit programs dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and Advanced Placement courses in Rhode Island high schools to understand their effects on educational attainment in the 2013/14 grade 9 cohort...

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Earning college credits while in high school has shown promise as a way to increase college access. However, little is known about the effects of such programs for students who have faced economic disadvantages. This video shares findings from the report...

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