DEIS History - Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society

DEIS History

Brief History of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) and some of its Predecessors

20 Sept. 19201st official meeting of a committee in the field of research on electrical insulation at Western Electric’s Engineering Building in Manhattan, NY (Chair Frank B. Jewett, later Founding President of Bell Labs)
19232nd official meeting of the AIEE Research Committee in Swampscott, MA (Chair John B. Whitehead who is also chair of the Committee on Electrical Insulation, NRC Division of Engineering)
Nov. 19281st official NRC Conference on Electrical Insulation (CEI) at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD (Chair John B. Whitehead)
1-3 Nov. 195030th Anniversary of the NRC Conference on Electrical Insulation (CEI) at Pocono Manor Inn in Pocono, PA (Chair Charles F. Hill)
3-5 Sept. 19581st Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) at Pick-Carter & Statler Hilton in Cleveland, OH (Chair Joseph R. Perkins), co-sponsored by AIEE and NEMA, an offspring/secession from the NRC CEI targeted to applied topics and industry-relevant audiences
16-19 Sept. 19635th Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) at Conrad Hilton in Chicago, IL (Chair Edward H. DaCosta), co-sponsors are IEEE (formed from AIEE and IRE) and NEMA; EIC is incubator for the new PTG
19 Sept. 19631st meeting of the new IEEE Professional Technical Group (PTG) on Electrical Insulation at the EIC in Chicago (Chair Joseph R. Perkins)
1 July 1964PTG on Electrical Insulation renamed as IEEE Electrical Insulation Group (EIG) (G-32) (President Ken Matthes) first tasks are writing Constitution and Bylaws and publishing Transactions and Newsletters
3-5 Oct. 1966NRC CEI changes name to NRC Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) (at Pocono Manor Inn, PA)
Jan. 1978EIG (President Ray Bartnikas) is now the IEEE Electrical Insulation Society (EIS) (S-32) after tremendous growth in membership
Jan. 1981CEIDP (Chair Eric O. Forster) moves from NRC (NAS) to IEEE (EIS)
July 19817th International Conference on (Conduction and Breakdown) in Dielectric Liquids (ICDL) (Chair Werner F. Schmidt) held in West-Berlin, Germany, est. 1958 by ECS, now fully sponsored by IEEE EIS
July 19831st International Conference on (Conduction and Breakdown) in Solid Dielectrics (ICSD) (Chair Christian Mayoux) held in Toulouse, France, initiated and fully sponsored by IEEE EIS
Jan. 1985EIS (President John A. Tanaka) changes its name to IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) (S-32)
Sept. 19855th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE) (Chair Gerhard M. Sessler) held in Heidelberg, Germany, est. 1967 by Electrochemical Society (ECS) in Chicago, IL, now fully sponsored by IEEE DEIS
Oct. (2020) 2023Centennial of the Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) in East Rutherford, NJ and Manhattan, NY, USA