Nuclear & Plasma Sciences SocietyConference Awards - Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society Skip to Content Skip to Navigation

Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


Most NPSS conference present an Award for the Outstanding Student Paper presented at that conference. For information on the submission instructions, forms, and application deadlines for these Awards, please contact the General Chairman of the relevant Conference.

In addition, NPSS-sponsored Conferences that have Short Courses solicit nominations for Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grants. These grants are intended either for tuition in NPSS Sponsored Short Courses or for partial or total travel expenses to attend NPSS Short Courses. These grants are available for outstanding Student Members of NPSS and unemployed members of NPSS who need assistance in changing career directions.

There are also Jordanov Travel Grants which provide support for travel expenses for the Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. These grants are offered to graduate students or individuals who have obtained their highest degree less than five years prior to the start of the NSS/MIC in a given year.

Application forms can be obtained below, and information on the submission instructions and application deadlines should be obtained from the General Chairman of the relevant Conference.

Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant

Description: To promote continuing education and encourage membership in NPSS.

Prize: Up to $3000/year to each NPSS conference sponsoring Short Courses, up to a maximum of $15000 per year for all grants. Funds are to be used to cover tuition costs and/or travel costs to attend Short Courses. Actual award amounts for individual grants and use of funds for applicable travel expenses are decided by each NPSS Conference.

Funding: Funded by the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Outstanding members of NPSS who are either Student Members, Post-Doctoral Fellows or Research Associates, or unemployed members needing assistance in changing career direction.

Basis for Judging: Exceptional promise as a student, postdoc or research associate in any of the fields of NPSS, or exceptional work in those fields by currently unemployed NPSS members with an expectation that attendance to one or more of the Short Courses will result in an improved possibility of obtaining a job in an NPSS field.

Presentation: Presented each year at the NPSS sponsored conference at which the Short Courses are given. Grants can be applied towards expenses prior to the conference.

Frequency: Given annually.

Nominations: Instructions for applying for the NPSS Phelps Grants will be given on the websites of the conferences offering these grants.

Valentin T. Jordanov Travel Grant

Description: To promote graduate level study and research on radiation instrumentation and to promote membership in IEEE.

Grant: Awardees will be reimbursed for expenses associated with traveling to and participating in the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference up to a maximum of $1,500 for each awardee. Awards to multiple individuals can be given each year, but a maximum of $12,000 can be distributed annually.

Funding: By the IEEE Foundation though a gift from Valentin T. Jordanov.

Eligibility: Recipients must be graduate students or individuals who have obtained their highest degree less than five years prior to the start of the Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference in the year the grant is awarded. Candidates should show exceptional promise in the field of Radiation Instrumentation.

Basis for Judging: Academic Advisors/Supervisors are asked to submit a letter of recommendation along with the grant application. Recommendations should address financial need, demonstration of technical merit, career intentions and worthiness of the candidate. The Travel Grant Recipient Committee may seek additional information to clarify how candidates meet these requirements. Preference will be given to applicants in the field of Nuclear Electronics with accepted abstracts for the NSS/MIC. At least one grant should be given each year to an applicant in the field of Nuclear Electronics, provided that a suitable number and quality of applications from this group are received.

Presentation: Presented at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.

Frequency: Given annually.

Nominations: Information on how to submit nominations and the deadline for submission will be given each year on the NSS/MIC website.

NPSS Student Paper Awards

Description: For outstanding student poster or oral papers as desired by each of the technical committees of NPSS that organizes a conference. The purpose of these awards is to encourage both outstanding student contributions and greater student participation as principal or sole authors of papers as well as to acknowledge the importance of student contributions to the fields embraced by the NPSS.

Prize: The two best papers (two awards) will receive cash awards of $500 each and a Certificate. The two runners-up will receive a certificate only.

Funding: Funded by the budget of each conference, as determined by each of the individual conferences sponsored by IEEE NPSS.

Eligibility: Any student who is the principal or sole author/researcher and the presenter of either a poster or oral paper at any IEEE NPSS conference that has chosen to provide outstanding student awards, and who has been identified as an eligible student author, will be eligible. If there is a tie, preference will be given 1) to IEEE NPSS members; 2) to IEEE members; or 3) to non-IEEE members.

Basis for Judging: All candidates for selection must have identified themselves either at the time of abstract submittal or no later than registration. The on-site awards committee will rank the papers for technical content and originality first. Other criteria such as graphic display and clarity of data presentation may be considered.

Presentation: When possible, awards will be presented at the closeout session of the conference. If this is not possible, the recipients will be notified by mail or e-mail.