IAPP: The policy neutral, not-for-profit professional home for privacy, AI governance and digital responsibility globally. Learn more.

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Find out what’s making headlines today. In the rapid changes in data protection, we make it easy to stay in the know with daily news updates, expert analysis, original reporting, legislative alerts and opinion pieces from the influencers making the news.


There are lots of ways to connect with fellow members and the privacy community. From local chapter meetings to virtual networks to social media, you’ll find networking opportunities to help you get involved.


From privacy training to web conferences to books and beyond, you’ll find the resources you need to build your knowledge, power up your staff and be more effective at your job.


Looking for a way to stand out? Add an IAPP credential after your name. Whether you want to distinguish yourself from others in your field or to advance your skills, a globally recognized IAPP certification is the edge you’re looking for.


The IAPP offers all the tools and information you need to get your job done. We’ve collected templates, forms, charts and checklists to help you with everything you can think of, from privacy notices to data breach response to cybersecurity and beyond.


There’s no better way to experience the IAPP community. Whether you’re looking for education, networking or access to privacy experts and regulators, IAPP conferences are where it’s at. We host eight premier conferences around the world each year.