Hutch’s Ultimate Data Plans for Unlimited Surfing

Unlimited Combo Plans

Best affordable Combo plans across the world.

Nonstop Data + Unlimited Calls

Rs. 1539

Validity 30 Days
Any Time Data

Non - Stop

Any Net Calling


Any Net SMS


TRC Code


Tariff Approval Type


Tariff Approved Name

Unlimited Any-Net Calling & Non-Stop Data Bundle Plans

Tariff Approved Date


Tariff Expiry Date



  • 5. Do these plans offer Unlimited Internet?
    These plans are designed to give a truly non-stop data experience for the entire duration of the plan bearing in mind a smartphone users. To ensure fair experience amongst all users, users who generate extreme usage beyond a reasonable point will be applied a speed restriction of 1Mbps for remainder of the validity period. 1Mbps speed ensures sufficient speed to operate all popular mobile applications including video streaming services buffer free at SD resolution. You can use up to following volumes at the standard plan speed before 1Mbps speed applies:
    Plan Fair User Policy applies after (GB)
    Rs.461 - 7 day plan 15
    Rs.1539 - 30 day plan 60
    Rs.2465 - 60 day plan 120
    Rs.3235 - 90 day plan 180
  • 6. Can I use this Plan on 3G & 4G?
    Yes, these plans will be valid for both Hutch 4G & 3G networks without restriction based on availability.
  • 7. Are these plans available for 078 & 072 customers?
    Yes, they are available for 072 & 078 Customers.
  • 8. Are these plans available for both Prepaid / Postpaid customers?
    Yes, they are available both prepaid & postpaid users. However, ONLY the 30 day plan will be available for Postpaid users.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can make unlimitted calls to all numbers starting with 072 or 078 for an unbelievable price.

Any Hutch prepaid customer can activate onnet "Unlimited" Katha buddy plans

You can activate Katha buddy from Reload, USSD and Hutch App.

You can check your balance from the Hutch App or dialling *344# on your mobile

Package Activation

Enter OTP

TRC Code


TRC Type


Tariff Approved Name


Tariff Approved Date


Tariff Expiry Date
