Get Involved - IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board

Get Involved with HAC

There are many benefits to engaging in humanitarian technology and sustainable development activities at IEEE, such as:

  • The opportunity to learn and develop professional skills
  • Connection and community with like-minded IEEE members around the world, as well as members of your own local community
  • Working toward a greater purpose
  • Making a real difference!

With IEEE, you can use your technical skills to give back – something that can be hard to find in other volunteering opportunities.  

The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) wants YOU to be involved in humanitarian technology and sustainable development activities at IEEE! There are many ways to play a role.

Join the HAC/SIGHT Mailing List

The HAC/SIGHT Mailing List can help you keep on top of news and opportunities.

Join the Mailing List


IEEE SIGHT is a global network of IEEE volunteers partnering with under-served communities & local organizations to leverage technology for sustainable development.

Learn More: IEEE SIGHT

Potential Avenues for Collaboration

Highlights from this HAC Panel held during the 2021 SIGHT Day celebration focus on how partnerships across IEEE can enrich the member experience. The panel showcases the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC)’s past and ongoing collaborations with IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS), IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS), and IEEE Entrepreneurship and includes panelist recommendations about potential avenues for collaboration.

Do you have an idea for how your IEEE Society, Society chapter, Region, Section, or Student branch could collaborate with HAC? Write to

IEEE HAC Delivering Impactful Member Experience Through Collaboration - Highlights

Serve on the HAC Committee

HAC serves as a scaffolding for humanitarian technology and sustainable development activities at IEEE. The committee does not run all related activities, but rather provides a suite of resources to build awareness, provide training, develop and assess projects, and cultivate relationships with the greater sustainable development community.

IEEE HAC Nominations & Appointments (N&A)

The IEEE HAC Chair and Committee members are appointed annually by the IEEE Board of Directors. Anyone who wishes to be considered for the committee must submit a nomination.

The HAC Chair serves a one year term with reappointment permissible for an additional year. Committee members serve a one year term with reappointment permissible for up to two additional one year terms. The maximum term of membership on the Committee (excluding time as Chair, Past Chair or on a subcommittee) is 3 years.

Nominations for HAC Chair are due on 15 March each year. Nominations for HAC Committee members are due 15 June.

Other HAC Committees

HAC has multiple committees underneath it:

  • Assessment
  • Communications
  • Education
  • Events
  • Partnerships
  • Projects
  • IEEE SIGHT Steering Committee

Members of these committees are recommended by the specific committee chair and appointed by the HAC Chair, usually in the first month or two of the year. Membership in one of these committees is a way to gain experience for consideration for future roles.

If you would like to be considered for a position on an HAC subcommittee, please fill out this form.

The IEEE SIGHT Steering Committee has its own N&A process that takes place at the end of the year. Information will be forthcoming.

Microvolunteering Opportunities

Coming in 2020 through IEEE Young Professionals.

Member Engagement Tracks

There are different ways of getting involved in humanitarian activities at IEEE – and they don’t all require taking large amounts of time in the field!

More information will be coming soon about the following tracks:

  • Projects track
  • Impact assessment track
  • Education track
  • Fundraising track
  • Influencer track
  • Partnership track