ゾンビ経済学とおバカリスクプレミアム - himaginary’s diary



Thinking more about reactions to the Truss/Kwarteng not-a-budget released Friday. While I yield to nobody in my disdain for their embrace of zombie economics, I'm puzzled by all the talk about a looming sterling crisis 1/
Just an aside: I can't be the only one who noticed the parallel between the declaration that a budget wasn't a budget, just a "fiscal event", and Putin's insistence that his war isn't a war, just a "special military operation". No moral equivalence, of course. But wow 2/
But back to sterling. I'm supposed to know something about currency crises — I did invent the academic field! And as far as I know there are two ways a country with a floating exchange rate can have a currency crisis, neither of which seems to apply to the UK 3/
Since the 1990s, most currency crises have involved balance sheet effects: a country (either public or private sector, or both) has large external liabilities in foreign currency. In that case depreciation worsens balance sheets, creating a self-reinforcing downward spiral 4/
That was the story for Asia in the 90s, the Argentine crisis 2001, part of the problem in Turkey now. But while the UK has a lot of external liabilities, they're overwhelmingly sterling-denominated; the UK also has external assets, largely direct investment 5/
The result is that sterling depreciation actually *improves* Britain's net international investment position (the same thing happens to the US). So a balance-sheet currency crisis story doesn't seem to make sense 6/
The other way you can have a currency crisis is if markets believe that you can't or won't service your public debt, and will monetize it instead; this was the story behind the 1926 franc crisis and, I think, the 1976 sterling crisis (which needs revisiting) 7/
But the Bank of England is independent these days, and unlikely to monetize debt. And despite everything, UK debt isn't *that* high by long-run standards 8/
So why did zombie Reaganomics produce currency depreciation, not the excessively *strong* currency caused by the original version? Well, it did say bad things about the competence of the new government 9/

But at a guess, the moron risk premium has now been priced in. I guess I don't see the mechanism for a continuing sterling crisis. What am I missing? 10/
ポンドに話を戻すと、私は通貨危機について幾らか知識があることになっている。私がその学術分野の生みの親なので! そして私が知る限り、変動相場制を採る国が通貨危機に陥る道は2つあるが、どちらも英国に当てはまるようには思われない。


ではなぜゾンビのレーガノミクスが、オリジナル版が引き起こした過ぎる通貨ではなく、通貨の減価をもたらしたのか? まあ、その政策が、新政府の能力について悪い話を確かに物語った、ということだ。





これは9/24の連ツイだが、10/1には「これは結構当を得ていたようだ(This aged relatively well)」と自賛している。そのほか、9/26には「zombie Reaganomics」という自分の造語がFT Alphavilleで使われたことに喜んでいる


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition — or the zombie economic apocalypse. The Truss government believes in the miraculous power of tax cuts? Really? At this late date?
What's really amazing is that surging interest rates have been accompanied by a *plunge* in the pound. This is not supposed to happen in advanced countries: we expect deficit spending to drive up interest rates and make the currency *rise*, which is what happened under Reagan
But Britain is now trading like a developing country, where perceived fiscal irresponsibility is undermining confidence in the value of its currency. It's actually kind of awesome
誰もスペインの異端審問、ないしゾンビ経済学的な黙示録は予期していなかった。トラス政権は減税の奇跡的な力を信じているだと? 本当に? 今の時代に?
