経済学は経済学者に任せておくには重要過ぎる - himaginary’s diary


というのは良く言われることだが(例:ここ)、物理学者でありサイエンスライターであるマーク・ブキャナンがブルームバーグ論説で以下の本を取り上げ、改めてそうした主張を展開している(H/T Mostly Economics)。

The Econocracy: The Perils of Leaving Economics to the Experts (Manchester Capitalism)

The Econocracy: The Perils of Leaving Economics to the Experts (Manchester Capitalism)

Why has so much of the world succumbed to populist demagoguery and xenophobic nationalism? To a non-trivial extent, economists may be responsible.
...They argue that popular dissatisfaction with government has a lot to do with its over-reliance on concepts and ways of thinking supplied by economists, who have been much more influential than their expertise justifies.
...Distrust grows when the experts' prescriptions prove woefully misguided, as happened with the euro and financial deregulation -- or when policies create winners and losers, as with international trade agreements. Even economists now admit that their profession has often pushed a distorted and one-sided view about the benefits of trade.
Populism is one response, and a dangerous one, as it stirs currents of nationalism, racism and xenophobia. The book offers a more desirable solution: Lay the groundwork for the better use of economics within democracy. ...
Many economists will dismiss the book. The ignorant masses, they'll say, should take our advice and stop voting against their own interests, which we can identify better than they can. But this is precisely the problem: Life and politics aren't exercises in finding the optimal technical policy to maximize abstract measures of expected utility. People reject that -- and one response is to kick over the whole show, consequences be damned.
なぜ世界のあれほど多くの地域がポピュリストのデマゴギーと排他的な国家主義の膝下に屈したのか? その少なからぬ責任を経済学者が負っているのではないだろうか。

*1:ここでブキャナンは、昨日紹介したロドリックのProject Syndicate記事にリンクしている。