Check-in on the event day : Help organizer

Help organizer

Check-in on the event day

How to check in attendees
Peatix offers an easy-to-use, paperless ticket service. After tickets are purchased, they are saved in the Peatix app (can be downloaded for free). On the d...
How to check in attendees with multiple people: Using the Assistant Mode
On the day of the event, you'll probably need more than one person scanning QR code tickets at the door. That's why we built an Assistant Mode into ...
How to check in attendees with the Peatix App
By scanning the QR code from the ticket with our app, you can verify the validity of the ticket.  For detailed instructions on how to scan the QR code t...
How to check in attendees by tapping
You can check in your attendees by tapping on the “Tap Check-In” button displayed on their tickets through their Peatix app. No computers nor scanning devic...
How to check in attendees with PC: Searching for names
If you have a computer with internet connection available at the day of the event, you can use your computer to manually check in attendees. 1. Go the ...
How to check in attendees with a paper list: Downloading a list of attendees
It is possible to download a list of attendees in a CSV file. * The email addresses of the attendees are not included in the CSV file. If you want to co...