2010-01-01から1年間の記事一覧 - HASE. blog


I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

「誰かを思って心が充たされる。」 「My heart is filled by thinking about valuable person.」 「私を見てくれる人がいる。」 「There is a valuable person who sees me. 」 - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/ *The schedule of HASE i…

I will join The Back Yard Market tomorrow too.

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I will join The Back Yard Market tomorrow too. I will show that my 9 drawings had showed at The Brick Lane gallery + another 2 drawings in The Back Yard Market this Sunday again. I think th…

強くなりたい。 泣きたい。 輝きたい。 頑張りたい。 恥ずかしくない。 きれいごとを抱く。 恥ずかしい。 弱い。 凹む。 下心が垂れる。 下心。 人にどう思われるこう思われるとか考えちゃう。 強くなりたいし、でも弱いもんだからその、自分をまず認めて、 …

素敵になりたい自分と、何かが欲しい自分 息を吸って、はく そこを忘れちゃだめ。 「考える時間」 「Thinking time ( Many important things lurks in the there.)」 2010,HASE

Dear People who saw my new drawing at the Brick Lane Gallery

よっしゃーよっしゃーよっしゃー頑張るぞーよっしゃーって、どこからの何の略やろか。 - Dear People who saw my new drawing at the Brick Lane Gallery This group exhibition [ART IN MIND] at The Brick Lane Gallery closed today. Thank you very much…

多分私はまた何か大切な物を忘れている。 Perhaps I have forgotten some important things [feelings] again.

Group Exhibition [ART IN MIND] running until the 6th of Decmber.

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog Group Exhibition [ART IN MIND] at the Brick Lane gallery opened from last Wednesday.Dear People who saw my new drawing at the Brick Lane Gallery , Thank you very much for seeing my new drawi…

「ART IN MIND」open from tomorrow at 6 pm.

Thank you for letting me draw your face. Also thank you for drawing me. - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog Group exhibition 「ART IN MIND」 open from tomorrow at 6 pm. I will stay at The Brick Lane Gallery. If you have time…


I will join The Back Yrad Market tomorrow too.

Thank you for letting me draw cat's picture. Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I will join The Back Yrad Market tomorrow too. If you have time by all means please come to see. 「The Back Yard Market 」at Brick lane. 10:00〜1…

I will participant a group exhibition at The Brick Lane Gallery.

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I hope you are very well. I will participant a group exhibition on the end of this month at The Brick Lane Gallery. I will show my 9 drawings,it includes 6 unpublished the original drawings.…


「これが有るから、これが有る。」 「There is this ,therefore there is this.」 だから、頑張れ! So, Please do try your best! - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/ *The schedule of HASE in future. ・Every Sunday : 「The Back Yard…

わくわくできるってうれしいなー 有難うございます。 わくわくしちゃうもんなー わくわくってほんまに心臓が心地よい感じなるもんなーニースとヴァンスに行くぜーー - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/ *The schedule of HASE in future. …

I joined 「The Back Yard Market] today.

Thank you very much for seeing my drawing . I won't join the Market next Sunday but I will join on Sunday after the next. HASE - 不器用な私ができること。The thing of able to do with clumsy as like me. 日本に戻ったら、展示させて頂きたい。 …

「The Backyard Market」

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I will join 「The Back Yard Market」this Sunday too. I am going to show a most latest drawing this week too. If you have time by all means please come to see. HASE - HASE 's ART WORKS http:/…

不器用な私ができること。The thing of able to do with clumsy as like me. 本当に普通の生活の中で気付くことを描きます。 どうしても、細かいこと気にするし、どうしても下心は拭いされないし、良くみられたいとか思っちゃうし、そしてもって、一生懸命が…

I answered Art interview.

Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog The short story of HASE and HASE's art is wrote on that blog. Also I answered some questions about my drawing from this blog's owner.http://poxymash.blogspot.com/2010/10/one-step-is-wonderfu…

I will join 「The Back Yard Market」this Sunday.

Thank you for let me draw at 「The Back Yard Market 」 on last Sunday. I will join 「The Back Yard Market」this Sunday too. I am going to show one new drawing. If you have time please come to see. HASE - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.b…


心よりお祝い申し上げます。 今日が素敵な素敵な1日になりますように。 きらきらして、ぴかぴかしている、けいちゃんとおっくんしか想像できません。 お幸せにー。 またねー。 たいせつに思う人がこんなにすぐ近くにいて、じぶんをたいせつに思ってくれる人…

体調くずしてましたーーー!! おぎゃーー健康第一だもの。 いや〜ホルモンバランス〜、、完敗です。 あたしゃ完敗です。まだ気持ち負けつづけています。 My physical condition was not well for a while. I lost by my hormone balance... But getting wel…


「気持ちひとつで世界が変わる。」 「I can change the my world with only my feelings.」 - HASE 's ART WORKS http://hase1178.blogspot.com/ *The schedule of HASE in future. ・Every Sunday : 「The Back Yard Market 」at Brick lane. 10:00〜17:00…

「考える時間」 「Thinking time」

「考える時間」 「Thinking time.」 なんだかあんまりうまくいかなかったり、もんもん考えたり、何も出来ない時もその一瞬は見えなくても、その次の瞬間、気付かなかった素敵なこと、気付けるものが実はその中にうようよ有って、なんだか嫌んなるときあるけ…


Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday too.If you have time by all means please come to see.「The Backyard Market 」http://www.backyardmarket.co.uk/cgi-bin/web/index.plAt Brick La…

毎日毎日がすばらしいです。 本当にみなさん有難う。Every days are wonderful for me. Thank you very much. そして、もっともっと良くなりたい。And , I want to more grow up one by one. - けいこさんへ、 無事帰国で何よりです。 本当に、どうも有難う…

壁wall - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday too.If you have time by all means please come to see.「The Backyard Market 」http://www.backyardmarket.co.uk/cgi-bin/web/index.plAt…

なまけすぎたーーーI was too lazy----

がんばるぞーー - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog I'm going to join The Backyard Market this Sunday too. If you have time by all means please come to see. 「The Backyard Market 」 http://www.backyardmarket.co.uk/cgi-bin/web…


佐々木さま、 - Dear A ladies and a gentlemen who if saw my blog HASE's 6th Exhibition has finished but, my two picture are continue put at The Pattern Cutter. (242-248 Kingsland Road ,London,E8 4DG) If you have time please come to see.Than…

ぎょうざたべたい。 家で焼く王将のぎょうざ希望。 なんかぎょうざ、ぎょうざてあたりまえにゆうてるけど、へんな名前。 ぎょうざ 字面もへんなの。 ひらがなやからかな。ギョーザ ああ、ちょっとカタカナのがちょとしっくりする。 いや、でもぎょーざて、 -…