Compliance and nonprofit executive compensation benchmarking made easy.
We do the hard work for you, we analyze executive salaries by job category, budget size, cause area, and gender.
Our report is based on IRS data not surveys, providing a more accurate, complete, and authoritative information source. Helping you stay aligned to the best compensation practices.
Find compensation analysis for 14 executive leadership positions such as CEOs and CFOs.
Find compensation analysis for 14 executive leadership positions and example titles included in each category.
$449/single-user report
$1,199/multi-user report
Most nonprofit salary reports use data for relatively few organizations. Our report analyzes salaries and benefits from over two hundred thousand individual observations from nearly one hundred and twenty four thousand organizations.
Download sample reportBenchmark compensation, understand how much nonprofit executives should be paid
Establish and demonstrate appropriate salaries and benefits
Help nonprofit clients establish appropriate compensation
Benchmark the compensation offered by your applicants and grantees
Define and analyze trends in nonprofit compensation