2-4. Useful information | OIST Groups

2-4. Useful information

2-4-1. Purchasing a car

If you would like to buy a car, please make sure from the following links that you are aware of “How to buy a car”, webpages of OIST Resource Center. 

JCI inspection - Shaken(車検)

A vehicle inspection (shaken or JCI inspection) is a compulsory inspection for all vehicles on the road in Japan that must be conducted every 2 years (3 years for a brand new car).
It is very important for all car owners to know when to renew the JCI as it is a criminal offence and punishable to drive a vehicle without the JCI.

Please Check Shaken for more details.

To learn more, please visit the following page: JCI inspection - Shaken(車検)

2-4-2. SIM card 

Please visit OIST Resource Center’s website for information about getting a SIM card.