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The ORCID identifier

Your ORCID identifier – as unique as you and your research.

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Springer's submission systems and publication workflows support the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) identifier, which is an ID that uniquely attaches your identity to your research work, such as your articles and datasets. The result: no more confusion because another researcher has the same or a similar name. You get the credit for your work.

Whenever and wherever you publish – your ORCID iD remains the same. You only need to register once.

I would like to get my iD from ORCID.org L_ORCID_circle_24px.gif © Springer

Webinar: Introducing ORCID - Researcher identification and research information 

In this webinar Josh Brown, from ORCID, introduces the Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier and gives an overview of the many ways that research systems are integrating the unique iD. Paul Vierkant, Helmholtz Association, introduces the ORCID DE project, sharing the status and aims of this national ORCID integration and adoption program.

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  • Many researchers share the same name, while others’ names change throughout their career. With an ORCID iD, you can persistently associate your name with your research works.
  • In Springer Nature’s as well as in many other publishers’ article submission systems you have the option of including your ORCID iD. You can register for the iD during the submission process. It takes 30 seconds.
  • If you already have an ORCID iD, our submission system will automatically fill in your profile.
  • The ORCID iD icon will appear next to your name in the article. Clicking on the icon will take readers to your profile on ORCID.org and allow them to discover your further publications.

Go to ORCID.org and get your personal iD  L_ORCID_circle_24px.gif © Springer​​​​​​​

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A single link for all your publications: including chapters, books, proceedings

We collaborate with ORCID to provide our book and chapter authors, book editors and proceedings contributors with unique digital identifiers, ensuring the recognition of their work. These identifiers can be linked to the researcher’s contributions to enhance scientific discovery and collaboration within the research community. We are the first publisher to implement the ORCID identifier in the book workflow process, ultimately providing authors with a digital identifier that distinguishes them from every other researcher. Books from Palgrave Macmillan, which have been integrated into SpringerLink, will also be able to use ORCID iDs.

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Crossref Auto-Update keeps your ORCID record up-to-date

Submitted and verified ORCID iDs will be transferred to our production workflow and ultimately appear on the article PDF and website and in the underlying metadata XML. This will enable the 'Crossref Auto-Update' feature so that authors with an ORCID iD will be able to have Crossref automatically pass information about their published work to their ORCID record. This means that your ORCID profile will always be up to date!

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Example: ORCID iD in a Springer publication

Here you can see an author's ORCID iD on SpringerLink.

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The following image shows how the ORCID iD is presented in the pdf-file.

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Springer Nature announced two initiatives in support of ORCID

The first initiative is a trial that will mandate ORCID iDs for corresponding authors publishing in 46 journals from across the whole of Springer Nature, including Nature Research, Springer and BioMed Central.

The second initiative will see Springer become the first publisher to include ORCID iDs in proceedings papers.

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