Burning Man Book Proposal
Burning Man Book Proposal
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Working title: *
Using the phrases 'Burning Man', 'Black Rock City', or 'Decompression' requires a higher level of approval than titles without trademarks and is typically accompanied by a licensing fee.  Please be advised that acquiring Board level approval will take some time.
Phone #: *
Address (street, city, state, country, code): *
Please give us a brief description of your book project: *
Who is the intended audience? *
What lead you to write a book including Burning Man as a subject matter? *
Will your book include any photography taken at the Burning Man event? *
If so, who are the contributing photographers?
If you answered "no" to the previous question, simply leave this question blank.
Will your book include any text / narrative? *
If so, in what reference to Burning Man?
If you answered "no" to the previous question, simply leave this question blank.
Intended publish date: *
Please list month and year.
Do you have a publisher? *
Who is your publisher? *
What is your distribution plan? *
Mark all that apply.
All identifiable people and art pieces must have signed permissions in order to publish them publicly.  Do you have these permissions? *
If you do not have these permissions, a member of our staff may be able to assist you. Please contact us at press@burningman.com for more information.  
Please confirm that you plan to properly credit all art pieces.   *
Information should include: artists name, title of piece, year of installation.
Please confirm that you plan to properly credit all photographers. *
Information should include: photographer's name, year the photo was taken.
Do you plan to host events surrounding the book's publication? Select all that apply *
Using trademarked phrases (Burning Man, Black Rock City, Decompression) to publicize events requires permission from Burning Man.  Please request permission by contacting press@burningman.com with the details of your event as soon as possible.
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このフォームは Burning Man 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告