This is a Tensorflow implementation for the ICML 2019 paper "Imperceptible, Robust and Targeted Adversarial Examples for Automatic Speech Recognition". The details of all the models implemented here can be found in the paper.
- Python 2.7
- a TensorFlow installation (Tensorflow 1.13 is supported for this version of Lingvo system and Tensorflow 1.14 is not supported),
- a
compiler (only g++ 4.8 is officially supported), - the bazel build system,
- librosa (
pip install librosa
), - Cython (
pip install Cython
), - pyroomacoustics (
pip install pyroomacoustics
Here we provide 10 audios from LibriSpeech test-clean dataset as an example to show how to run the codes. Please refer to Lingvo or Librispeech website to download the whole test set.
In the file read_data.txt
, the directory of the 10 audios, the corresponding original transcription and the targeted transcription are provided in the format of [dir, original transcription, targeted transcription]. The full list of 1000 audio examples used in our experiments is provided in ./util/read_data_ful.txt
You can run the script sh util/
to convert the audios in the LibriSpeech from the format .flac
to .wav
. You need to first change the directory of the downloaded LibriSpeech dataset in the script ./util/
The pretrained model can be downloaded here. You need to place the downloaded pretrained model into the directory ./model/
The automatic speech recognition (ASR) system used in this paper is Lingvo system. To run our codes, you need to first download the forked version here and make sure that you are in the "icml" branch.
git clone
cd lingvo
git checkout icml
Then you need to compile the lingvo system. The easiest way to build Lingvo system is to use the docker. Here we place the folder lingvo/
and lingvo_compiled/
under the root directory ~/
. If you change their locations, you need to make corresponding changes in the following commands.
cd ..
mkdir lingvo_compiled
export LINGVO_DEVICE="gpu"
sudo docker build --no-cache --tag tensorflow:lingvo $(test "$LINGVO_DEVICE" = "gpu" && echo "--build-arg base_image=nvidia/cuda:10.0-cudnn7-runtime-ubuntu16.04") - < lingvo/docker/dev.dockerfile
export LINGVO_DIR=$HOME/lingvo
sudo docker run --rm $(test "$LINGVO_DEVICE" = "gpu" && echo "--runtime=nvidia") -it -v ${LINGVO_DIR}:/tmp/lingvo -v ~/lingvo_compiled:/tmp/lingvo_compiled -v ${HOME}/.gitconfig:/home/${USER}/.gitconfig:ro -p 6006:6006 -p 8888:8888 --name lingvo tensorflow:lingvo bash
# In docker
bazel build -c opt --config=cuda //lingvo:trainer
cp -rfL bazel-bin/lingvo/trainer.runfiles/__main__/lingvo /tmp/lingvo_compiled
# Outside of docker
sudo chown -R $USER ~/lingvo_compiled
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/lingvo_compiled
The folder lingvo/
in the directory lingvo_compiled/
needs to be placed in the directory ./adversarial_asr/
. Then this directory becomes ./adversarial_asr/lingvo/
Currently, all the python scripts are tested on one GPU. You can use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=GPU_INDEX
to choose which gpu to run the python scripts.
To generate imperceptible adversarial examples, run
The adversarial examples saved with the name ended with "stage1" is the adversarial examples in Carlini's work. Adversarial examples ended with the name "stage2" is our imperceptible adversarial examples using frequency masking threshold.
To test the accuracy of our imperceptible adversarial examples, simply run:
python --stage=stage2 --adv=True
You can set --stage=stage1
to test the accuracy of Carlini's adversarial examples. If you set --adv=False
, then you can test the performance for clean examples with its corresponding original transcriptions.
To generate robust adversarial examples that are simulated playing over-the-air in the simulated random rooms, we need to first generate the simulated room reverberations.
Then you can run the following command to generate robust adversarial examples.
python --initial_bound=2000 --num_iter_stage1=2000
In the paper, we test the last 100 audios in the ./util/read_data_full.txt
and we set the parameter initial bound
and num_iter_stage1
as 2000
in our experiments.
Empirically, for longer audios, you might need to increase the initial bound
of perturbation to generate robust adversarial examples that can successfully attack the simulated rooms. Correspndingly, you also need to increase num_iter_stage1
to allow the adversarial generation to converge. You can tune the training parameters in
to play with your data.
To test the performance of robust adversarial examples, simply run
python --stage=stage2 --adv=True
If you want to test the performance of clean examples played in the simulated rooms, you can set --adv=False
If you find the code or the models implemented here are useful, please cite this paper:
title = {Imperceptible, Robust, and Targeted Adversarial Examples for Automatic Speech Recognition},
author = {Qin, Yao and Carlini, Nicholas and Cottrell, Garrison and Goodfellow, Ian and Raffel, Colin},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning},
pages = {5231--5240},
year = {2019},
volume = {97},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
publisher = {PMLR},
This code is based on Lingvo ASR system. Thanks to the contributors of the Lingvo.
title={Lingvo: a modular and scalable framework for sequence-to-sequence modeling},
author={Shen, Jonathan and Nguyen, Patrick and Wu, Yonghui and Chen, Zhifeng and Chen, Mia X and Jia, Ye and Kannan, Anjuli and Sainath, Tara and Cao, Yuan and Chiu, Chung-Cheng and others},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08295},