The example docker-compose configuration consists of two files:
contains two services: wikibase and mysqldocker-compose.extra.yml
contains additional services such as wdqs, wdqs-frontend, elasticsearch and quickstatements
We recommend you go through docker-compose.extra.yml
and remove any unwanted services.
Copy template.env
to .env
and replace the passwords and secrets with your own.
To run a Wikibase instance on port 80 run the following command:
docker-compose up
This will start up the services defined in docker-compose.yml, a Wikibase instance, database and a job runner.
The example docker-compose.yml sets up a dedicated job runner which restarts itself after every job, to ensure that changes to the configuration are picked up as quickly as possible.
If you run large batches of edits, this job runner may not be able to keep up with edits.
You can speed it up by increasing the MAX_JOBS
variable to run more jobs between restarts, if you’re okay with configuration changes not taking effect in the job runner immediately.
Alternatively, you can run several job runners in parallel by using the --scale
docker-compose up --scale wikibase_jobrunner=8
The Wikibase bundle comes with some additional services that can be enabled.
- wdqs
- wdqs-updater
- wdqs-frontend
- quickstatements
- elasticsearch
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.extra.yml up
In the volumes section of the wikibase service in docker-compose.extra.yml, there is one additional script inside the container that automatically sets up the extensions needed for the additional services.
- ./
Looking inside, you see that it executes two scripts which set up an OAuth consumer for quickstatements and creates indices for Elasticsearch.
There are also additional environment variables passed into Wikibase to configure the Elasticsearch host and port.