bfs plugin for the asdf version manager.
- C compiler, GNU make,
: generic POSIX utilities. acl
To build bfs from source, you need to install some dependencies.
Alpine Linux # apk add acl{,-dev} attr{,-dev} libcap{,-dev} oniguruma-dev Arch Linux # pacman -S acl attr libcap oniguruma Debian/Ubuntu # apt install acl libacl1-dev attr libattr1-dev libcap2-bin libcap-dev libonig-dev Fedora # dnf install acl libacl-devel libattr-devel libcap-devel oniguruma-devel NixOS # nix-env -i acl attr libcap oniguruma Void Linux # xbps-install -S acl-{devel,progs} attr-{devel,progs} libcap-{devel,progs} oniguruma-devel MacPorts # port install oniguruma6 Homebrew $ brew install oniguruma
asdf plugin add bfs
# or
asdf plugin add bfs
# Show all installable versions
asdf list-all bfs
# Install specific version
asdf install bfs latest
# Set a version globally (on your ~/.tool-versions file)
asdf global bfs latest
# Now bfs commands are available
bfs --version
Check asdf readme for more instructions on how to install & manage versions.
Contributions of any kind welcome! See the contributing guide.
Thanks goes to these contributors!
See LICENSE © Alejandro Lazaro