Delphi is a prototype implementation of SyMO and SMTO (see Example benchmarks can be found here:
Prerequisites: All prerequisties for CBMC must be installed ( Plus Z3 and CVC4(version 1.8 or greater) must be added to $PATH.
- Z3 downloads:
- CVC4 downloads:
update the gitsubmodule (CBMC)
git submodule init
git submodule update
Ensure you have the dependencies for CBMC installed (Flex and Bison, and GNU make) (see Then download and patch minisat, and compile cbmc as follows:
cd lib/cbmc/src
make minisat2-download
Compile delphi
cd delphi/src
The binary is found at delphi/src/delphi/delphi
To run delphi on a file:
delphi file.smt2
To run delphi on a synthesis file:
To run delphi in interactive mode use command delphi --smto
or 'delphi --symo`
Delphi accepts an extension of the SyGuS-IF language. The following declares an oracle function symbol of name NAME
, associated to an oracle binaryname
with type IntxInt->Bool. You do not need to declare the oracle separately, this one declaration is sufficient:
(declare-oracle-fun NAME binaryname ((x Int)(y Int)) Bool)
The following declares an oracle binaryname
that accepts two input integers, and returns a single boolean. These values are substituted into the expression (= (f x y) z)
to generate a synthesis constraint:
(oracle-constraint binaryname ((x Int)(y Int))((z Bool))
(= (f x y) z) )
Input files must have the file extension '.smt' if the problem is an SMTO problem and '.sl' if the problem is a synthesis problem.
The following SMTO example checks whether there exist 3 prime factors fo 76:
(declare-oracle-fun isPrime isprime (Int) Bool)
(declare-fun f1 () Int)
(declare-fun f2 () Int)
(declare-fun f3 () Int)
(assert (and (isPrime f1)(isPrime f2)(isPrime f3)))
(assert (= (* f1 f2 f3) 76))
The oracle for isprime can be found here:
The following SyMo example uses two oracles to synthesise a function that performs a pixel by pixel transformation on an image.
(synth-fun tweak ((pixel (_ BitVec 8))) (_ BitVec 8))
; correctness (verification)
(declare-oracle-fun pixel_correct ./ ((-> (_ BitVec 8) (_ BitVec 8))) Bool)
(constraint (pixel_correct tweak))
; hints (synthesis)
((tweak (-> (_ BitVec 8) (_ BitVec 8))))
((correct Bool) (pixelIn (_ BitVec 8)) (pixelOut (_ BitVec 8)))
(=> (not correct) (= (tweak pixelIn) pixelOut)))
The oracles for the image transformations can be found here: