It is a tool for dropping malware from EK
Currently this tool can analyze
- Bloodlust
- Decimal IP
- Despicable
- EITest
- Fobos
- GoodMan
- Ngay
- Rulan
- Seamless
- GrandSoft Exploit Kit
- KaiXin Exploit Kit
- Rig Exploit Kit
- Sundown Exploit Kit
- Terror Exploit Kit
It depends on Campaign and EK implementation,
so the possibility that this will not work is very high.
- PHP 7
- cURL
- Composer
$ git clone
$ cd mal_getter
$ composer install
$ php main.php [Campaign] [EK] [Compromised URL]
$ ls
Campaigns LICENSE Share.php composer.lock vendor
EKs RC4.php Request.php composer.json main.php
$ php main.php seamless rig http://[Deleted]/signup1.php
[+] http://[Deleted]/signup1.php
[+] Waiting.....
[!] 4cc6922ec861c67b29d1c60b58aa12f74540dc838e3da8cade8d3c15b308da6e.bin
is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License