Turing Machine Recreator
Get TMRecreator and make the project, using:
git clone https://github.com/jorgeMFS/TMRecreator.git;
cd TMRecreator;
There are two ways to run this program see help for clarification :
./tm --help;
Turing Machine Recreator
Arguments to set flags:
--stMatrix Indicates programs to print the StateMatrix of a given TMs
Optional Arguments:
-v, --version Outputs the version of the program.
-h, --help Describes program.
Recreate specific tm and print tape after x iterations:
echo "StateMatrix numberOfStates alphabetSize numberOfIterations" | ./rtm
echo "120111111111 2 2 31" | ./rtm
Print stMatrix of the tm:
echo "StateMatrix numberOfStates alphabetSize numberOfIterations"| ./rtm
echo "120111111111 2 2 31" | ./rtm
Please cite the followings, if you use TMRecreator:
- Processing...
Please let us know if there is any issues.
TMCompression is under GPL v3 license. For more information, click here.