As part of the retreat I've selected a bunch of bugs we would like to fix for the next release. We can still update that list of course but good to have something to get started.
Typically quite easy to fix when sample files are provided. Good to get started.
- No node labels visible when importing from dot #2213
- Support INF, -INF in GEXF for double-type ±∞ values #2158
- Loading graphviz dot files exception if attributes empty #2028
- Loading gexf file with 0-weighted edges crashes import #1945
- Crash when exporting VNA graph file #1909
Not easy to fix as it usually requires to deep-dive into the reference, or the paper. But quite important as scientists count on accurate results...
- Node betweenness is negative for big graphs when normalized #2139
- Eigenvector centrality not properly calculated #2145
- Closeness centralities are always normalised #1872
Typically corrupted .gephi means some bug in the serialization code. This can either be in GraphStore, which serialises the graph or in any other module that provide content for the project file.
- Double clicking .gephi file from a file manages application, opens Gephi but nothing is visible #2301
- java.lang.ClassCastException: org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimestampSet cannot be cast to org.gephi.graph.api.types.TimeMap #2297
- Gephi fails to load .gephi file, without notification #2263
- Gephi shredded .gephi file while saving #2219
- gephi crash when saving from x while filter applied #2023
- Inverted edge weigh in layout algorithms (e.g. ForceAtlas2,...) #1816
- ForceAtlas2 double repulsion forces in some nodes #2202
- Infinite repulsion in ForceAtlas with negative weights #1714
- Dynamic Edge Values are not taken into Consideration for Layout by Force Layout, Force Layout 2 and FruRein #1829
No labels