GitHub - docknetwork/dock-did-driver
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Dock DID resolver driver

A Universal Resolver driver for the Dock network.

Example DIDs



Install NPM dependencies using yarn in the root directory: yarn install

Start development server: yarn start

By default it will be running on port 8080 - it should connect to the blockchain node and be ready to serve DIDs at that endpoint. Example:

curl http://localhost:8080/1.0/identifiers/did:dock:5CDsD8HZa6TeSfgmMcxAkbSXYWeob4jFQmtU6sxr4XWTZzUA

Build and usage

  1. To build the docker image

    docker image build -t docknetwork/dock-did-driver:1.0.0 -f ./docker/Dockerfile .

    The above will build the image with name dock-did-driver and version 1.0.0.

  2. To run the docker container

    docker container run --publish 8000:8080 --detach --name dd docknetwork/dock-did-driver:1.0.0

    The server will run at 8080 port in the docker container and the host’s port 8000 is mapped to the container's port 8080

  3. To ssh into the docker container

    docker exec -it <container id> /bin/sh
  4. The server responds at /1.0/identifiers/<DID with method, like did:dock:...>

