is a simple python micro service you can run on heroku to bridge two webhooks that don't agree on the formatting.
The only bridge currently supported converts from ProdPad Ideas to Slack posts in the format of my liking. Want more? send me some feedback. Like it? Let everyone know.
The private details of your webhooks live only in the parametes of the url you post to in the first place - to use the hook requires no code changes whatsoever.
Push to heroku and find your {heroku_app_name}.heroku.com
Create an incoming webhook on slack and copy the url (I will call it {slack_hook_url}
(something like https://your-company.slack.com/services/hooks/incoming-webhook?token=jGIb86HJD35agksoHnn28
Create an outgoing webhook on Prodpad and set the url to:
Change 'translator.translate_payload()` to modify the behaviour of the hook.
Get in touch on twitter, email or by posting an issue if you have any feedback or just want to say you like it.
- Clone the repo
- Get the Heroku Toolbelt
- push to your heroku account. Calvin is keeper of the keys for this one for now.
To set up a veritual env locally, cd
to the root of the project and run:
$ virtualenv venv
This will reate a venv
folder with virtualenv wrapped python and pip executables. To activate them in the current shell, use:
$ source venv/bin/activate
To install the requirements from the existing requirements.txt
file, run:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt --allow-all-external
If you subsequently change the configuration by installing additional packages via the venv pip, use pip freeze
to create a new requirements.txt file.
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
With a locally installed venv, start your app in a heroku-like manor with foreman start web