This repository contains code for evaluating language--brain encoding experiments. The experiments are described in our paper:
- Lisa Beinborn, Samira Abnar, Rochelle Choenni (2019): Robust evaluation of language-brain encoding experiments
We provide readers for four datasets:
- The Words Data by Mitchell et al. (2008)
- The Alice Data by Brennan et al. (2016)
- The Harry Potter Data by Wehbe et al. (2018)
- The Stories Data by Dehghani et al. (2017). The data has not yet been published by the authors. Please contact them directly.
For a simple start, look at
In the paper, we report results from two experimental pipelines, one for isolated stimuli (e.g., single words) and one for continuous stimuli (e.g., a book chapter).
You can run them as follows:
- python3
- python3
This will re-run all experiments in the paper (which takes long!).
You might want to first run the experiments only for a single subject. You should then set yourpipeline.subject_ids =[1] or to another subject id for which you have downloaded the data. If you want to better understand the fmri data structure, have a look at
We provide a class to add a language model and implementations for querying an Elmo model (Peters et al. (2018)) and a random language model .
- The mapping model is standard ridge regression.
We provide code for three common evaluation procedures:
- pairwise evaluation
- voxel-wise evaluation
- representational similarity analysis
- Numpy
- Sklearn
- Allennlp (for Elmo)
- Spacy for tokenization, python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
- Pandas, matplotlib, seaborn and nilearn in case you want to plot the results.