Batect allows you to define your development tasks (building, running, testing, linting and more) in terms of one or more Docker containers, run those tasks quickly and consistently everywhere, and easily share them with your team.
Check out for documentation, tutorials, sample projects and news.
All documentation is available on the website. Highlights include:
- Introduction
- Getting started tutorial
- Configuration file reference
- Sample projects
- Comparison with other tools
Dockerised local build and testing environments made easy at Container Camp AU (July 2019): video
Also presented at DevOpsDays Auckland (October 2019), DDD Sydney (September 2019) and DDD Melbourne (August 2019).
Build & Testing Environments as Code: Because Life's Too Short Not To at Evolution by ThoughtWorks (June 2018): video, slides
Batect uses GitHub Discussions for community support and Q&A.
Please open an issue on GitHub if you run into a problem or have a suggestion.
You can see what new features and improvements are planned in the roadmap.
Thank you to the following people for their bug reports, pull requests, suggestions and feedback, in alphabetical order:
@Abhisha1, @aidansteele, @akamanocha, @alexswilliams, @alpha-er, @andeemarks, @asharma8438, @askfor, @assafw, @b-a-byte, @BethanyDrake-x, @Bidaya0, @binkley, @boxleytw, @Byron-TW, @camjackson, @carloslimasis, @catacgc, @cazgp, @chandantp, @chinwobble, @csxero, @da4089, @damian-bisignano, @DamianBis, @dan-neumegen-xero, @DavidHe1127, @dflook, @diachedelic, @DiegoAlpizar, @diffidentDude, @diwang-xero, @doug-ferris-mondo, @eichelkrauta, @ekamara, @erMaurone, @flo-everett-xero, @frglrock, @fwilhe2, @gabrielsadaka, @GerardWorks, @GoodDingo, @heyheman11, @hongyuanlei, @hpcsc, @hussein-joe, @ineffyble, @isaac-patterson, @jagregory, @jbduncan, @jmewes, @jobasiimwe, @kbalston, @Letitia-May, @mario-prabowo-xero, @marty-macfly, @mdlnr, @MichaelKnightXero, @minnn-minnn, @mjstrasser, @Mknight492, @Mubashwer, @mylesmacrae, @nashvan, @nesl247, @nkrul, @or1can, @pameck, @paulvalla-zorro, @priorax, @ryanb6920, @safiranugroho, @Sami5, @smozely, @SongGithub, @squirmy, @sschuberth, @svishal9, @TassSinclair, @thirkcircus, @Tobytee17, @Tzrlk, @wandrewni, @wilvk, @wyvern8, @xdavidnguyen, @yoyo-i3, @yoyo-ohno, @yuzhanglong, @ZhuYeXero, @zizhongzhang, and everyone else who has used the tool and provided feedback offline
Thank you to YourKit for providing a complimentary copy of the YourKit profiler.
And thank you to Thoughtworks for providing me a day of paid leave each month to work on Batect. If you'd like to join us at Thoughtworks, check out our current job openings.