What is the right way to use double colons ::
in Asciidoctor?
For example, consider the following document.
print a + b <1>
<1> Hello this is `1 :: 2`
a test `a :: b`
The line a test
a :: bis not included in the output, because the double-colons are parsed as bold, or something along those lines. Using
+ ... +`` does not change anything.
What's the right thing to do here?
gibiansky commentedon Aug 15, 2014
Ah, I see I can just write
a {two-colons} b
. Is there an easier way? Again, I use::
all the time, so this is a real pain to use{two-colons}
instead.For the time being... horrible, hacky extensions save the day:
mojavelinux commentedon Sep 11, 2014
Unfortunately, this is a really tricky one. The double colon is being matched as a description list, which takes higher precedence than inline parsing. The pattern for matching a description list is:
[>= 0 spaces][>= 1 chars][>= 0 spaces][2-4 colons or 2 semi-colons][space or end-of-line]
Your example matches that pattern perfectly, but it's not what you are expecting. At the moment, the only way to prevent this match is to use an attribute. You can always shorten what you have to type by aliasing the double colon to a shorter name
This might be the sharpest edge in the AsciiDoc syntax.
jxxcarlson commentedon Sep 11, 2014
Won't your recursive descent parser cure all these ills?
On Sep 10, 2014, at 10:39 PM, Dan Allen wrote:
mojavelinux commentedon Sep 11, 2014
In this case, unfortunately not. We are already in a recursive decent in this part of the processor. The problem is that by all definitions of the grammar, using the double colon like is is a perfectly valid description list term.
I think the solution here is to require that description list terms appear on their own line. This removes the ambiguity in the content. Thus, we would disallow:
and instead require it to be:
I find myself always typing it using the second form anyway. We'd have to survey existing AsciiDoc content to see how widespread the first usage is, but I don't sense it being a hard sell if it means we can eliminate this nasty corner case.
mojavelinux commentedon Sep 11, 2014
...another option is to disallow the space after the term when using the single-line form. Hence, this would be legal:
But this would not:
We have to give the parser a chance to understand what's going on.
gibiansky commentedon Sep 11, 2014
Can you just disallow "`" as part of the left term? That would also prevent it from being parsed as a descriptor, no?
mojavelinux commentedon Sep 11, 2014
The problem with doing that it's very "whack a mole" kind of solution. There are actually a lot of possible things that should be escaped. We also have to check a lot of places for the start of the list and this would slow things down considerably.
It's much better to settle on a deterministic syntax.