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Copyright (c) [2024] [The Authors of Resilient Constrained Reinforcement Learning] All Rights Reserved.
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The code of generating random MDP transition dynamics
The reference: Global Optimality Guarantees For Policy Gradient Methods, J. Bhandari and D. Russo
Our proposed methods in the manuscript can be referred as follows:
(1) ResPG-PD (Resilient Policy Gradient Primal-Dual) -------------------> Algorithm 1
(2) ResOPG-PD (Resilient Optimistic Policy Gradient Primal-Dual) --------> Algorithm 2
All of our computational results in the manuscript can be reproduced by, executing our Jupyter Notebook documents, accordingly. The requirements are:
Jupyter Notebook
Python 3, NumPy, Matplotlib, Cvxopt, and SciPy.
Convergence performance of ResPG-PD and ResOPG-PD in policy search problem (Section D.1)
(1) Resilient_RL_PolicySearch.ipynb(sec:Plot reward, utility and relaxation vs iterations) ----------> Figure 3, Figure 11 and Figure 12
Optimality gap of RPG-PD, OPG-PD, and dual methods in policy search problem (Section D.1)
(1) Resilient_RL_PolicySearch.ipynb(sec:Plot reward, utility, relaxation, policy optimality gaps) ---> Figure 2 and Figures 13-15
Convergence performance of ResPG-PD and ResOPG-PD in policy search problem with different relaxation costs (Section D.1)
(1) Resilient_RL_PolicySearch.ipynb(sec:Reward, utility, relaxation vs alpha) -----------------------> Figure 4
Convergence performance of ResPG-PD and ResOPG-PD in monitoring problem (small state space, Section D.2)
(1) Resilient_RL_Monitoring_D2.ipynb(sec:Plot reward, utility and relaxation vs iterations) ------------> Figure 6, Figure 16 and Figure 17
Optimality gap of RPG-PD, OPG-PD, and dual methods in monitoring problem (small state space, Section D.2)
(1) Resilient_RL_Monitoring_D2.ipynb(sec:Plot reward, utility, relaxation optimality gaps) -------------> Figure 18-20
Convergence performance of ResPG-PD and ResOPG-PD in monitoring problem (small state space, Section D.2) with different relaxation costs
(1) Resilient_RL_Monitoring_D2.ipynb(sec:Reward, relaxation vs alpha) ----------------------------------> Figure 7
Convergence performance of ResPG-PD and ResOPG-PD in monitoring problem (large state space, Section D.3)
(1) Resilient_RL_Monitoring_D3.ipynb(sec:Plot reward, utility and relaxation vs iterations) ------------> Figure 9, Figure 21 and Figure 22
Optimality gap of RPG-PD, OPG-PD, and dual methods in monitoring problem (large state space, Section D.3)
(1) Resilient_RL_Monitoring_D3.ipynb(sec:Plot reward, utility, relaxation optimality gaps) -------------> Figure 23-25
Convergence performance of ResPG-PD and ResOPG-PD in monitoring problem (large state space, Section D.2) with different relaxation costs
(1) Resilient_RL_Monitoring_D3.ipynb(sec:Reward, relaxation vs alpha) ----------------------------------> Figure 10
Policy of ResPG-PD and ResOPG-PD in monitoring problem (large state space, Section D.2)
(1) Resilient_RL_Monitoring_D3.ipynb(sec:Visualize the policy) ----------------------------------> Figure 8