Final Release
- Install Python 3 for your platform
- From the main folder, ...
make install-python-requirements
Prepare a local virtual environment to manage the versions of the required Python libraries for mkdocs
# build and activate venv
cd 2021
python3 -m venv .
source ./bin/activate
# install all required library versions
pip install -r requirements.txt
# optionally verify if OWASP OSIB is in your pip list
pip list | grep osib
This installs all requirenents including the (OSIB Macro)[]
You should test your changes locally:
cd 2021
mkdocs serve
Once you are happy, check in your changes as a branch / PR and let someone on the main team know. We'll review your changes, and merge and redeploy.
This only works if you have commit privileges on master and Git is correctly setup in your environment.
cd 2021
mkdocs gh-deploy
- Join the OWASP Slack and join the #top-10-translations channel. Let folks know what language you are doing. Someone might already be working on it.
- Fork and clone the Top 10 repo
- Follow the installation and local test instructions above
- Create a new branch for your language (something like 2021-fr)
- Add your translation to the plugin / navigation area in mkdocs.yml
- Test your translation locally by running a local server (see above)
- When you're ready, create a pull request against the OWASP Top 10 repo, and let us know it's ready for deployment