GitHub - DenisRomashov/nlp2018_hp_asoif_rus: Course project
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Evaluation of Russian Language Datasets in the Digital Humanities Domain with Word Embeddings

We used two popular fantasy novel corpora, “Harry Potter” (HP) by JK Rowling and “A Song of Ice and Fire” (ASOIF) by GRR Martin.

These dataset are based on English language datasets, see also: English Version of the Datasets.

Here, you find basic information about the dataset, Usage of the reposity, and lemmatization. The overview of evaluation results for the analogy and word intrustion tasks can be found here in RESULTS.MD.


The Russian language datasets can be found in the datasets directory.

Like in the original word2vec-toolkit, the files to be evaluated are named questions*. There are four datasets:

  • datasets/questions_soiaf_analogies_rus.txt: Analogies relation test data for A Song of Ice and Fire
  • datasets/questions_soiaf_doesn_match_rus.txt: Doesnt_match task test data for A Song of Ice and Fire
  • datasets/questions_hp_analogies_rus.txt: Analogies relation test data for Harry Potter
  • datasets/questions_hp_doesn_match_rus.txt: Doesnt_match task test data for Harry Potter

If you want to extend or modify the test data, edit the respective source files in the folder datasets: hp_analogies.txt, hp_does_not_match.txt, soiaf_analogies.txt,soiaf_does_not_match.txt.

After modifying the test data run the following command to re-create the datasets (the question_ files).

    cd datasets

This will generate section-based permutations to create the evaluation datasets. You can also add completly new datasets and add a line into


Simply run:

$ python

It will:

  1. create questions - generate 4 files in ../datasets directory for evaluating models:

    • questions_{hp/soiaf}_analogies_rus.txt
    • questions_{hp/soiaf}_doesnt_match_rus.txt

    {hp/soiaf}_analogies_rus.txt and {hp/soiaf}_doesnt_match_rus.txt files are used as input files to create the questions (task units).

  2. check frequencies - create 2 files in ../datasets directory:

    • frequencies_hp.txt
    • frequencies_soiaf.txt

    this outputs the corpus counts (frequencies) of words (the vocabulary) in the questions files (created in the previous step).

  3. create models - create models in ../models directory:

    • 5 Word2Vec models
    • 2 FastText models with different parameters

    script ../models/ contains all settings used for model training.

  4. evaluate analogies - create result files of analogies evaluation in ../evaluation_results directory:

    • {hp/asoif}_result_analogies.txt

    Files contain information about:

    • sections from questions files from step 1,
    • correct/incorrect/total by section,
    • number of tasks
    • total of whole model (the last number of the last line for each model)
  5. doesnt_match_evaluation - create result files for word intrusion in ../evaluation_results directory:

    • {hp/asoif}_result_doesnt_match.txt

    Files cointains:

    • detailed information on difficulty and accuracy,
    • number of tasks
    • total result of whole model (the last number in the last line for each model)

You can easily change the settings of the evaluation process in the src/ and src/ files. Also you can skip some steps like 1. create questions and 2. check frequencies because there is no need to rerun these scripts if you haven't changed the dataset files.

Importance of lemmatization

In our experiments we found, that lemmatization has a strong positive impact on evaluation results. Lemmatization raises the average frequency (in the corpus) of the terms in the dataset (vocabulary):


Check frequencies comparison

Word intrusion:

Check frequencies comparison

As can be seen, corpus lemmatization helps to increase term frequencies. The low counts on the raw text of caused by the rich morphology of Russian language, where words appear in many different forms because of a Russian grammar. Example: Russian:

Озеро - за Озером


Lake - behind the Lake

Lemmatization changes all forms to their base form and in general helps to achieve better results in our setting (of small corpora).

Evalution Results

Extensive evaluation results for the analogy and word intrustion tasks can be found here in RESULTS.MD.


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