#Format of the documents collection..
2121 # palavra1 palavra2
->See examples in Try/GovTxtTeste/00
#Indexer Build: 1. cd Indexer 2. mkdir build 3. cd build 4. cmake .. 5. make After that you will have the following runnable files: ./geraParcial ./mergeParcial ./geraIndiceFrequencia ./geraNorma ./geraSkipListBlockMaxFix ./GeraDistribuicao (To check the threshold value related to a percentage.) ./SplitIndex (To split the index)
#QueryProcessor Build: 1. cd processador 2. mkdir build 3. cd build 4. cmake .. 5. make After that you will have the following runnable files: ./queryProcessor
- Build the Indexer and the QueryProcessor.
- Copy all runnable files to ./Try/
To index the documents and to split the index.
I. $: cd Try/
II. Indexing documents in one tier, govInd/govTxt.
[python GeraIndice.py <pathColecao> <pathBase> <pathIndice> <Nome do Indice>] $: python GeraIndice.py GovTxtTeste/ GovTxtBase/ GovInd/ GovTxt.
III. Splitting the index in two tiers (govInd/fir_25. govInd/sec_25.) , with 25% in the first tier..
[python Split.py <pathIndice> <Nome do Indice.> <% (1 - 99)>] $: python Split.py GovInd/ GovTxt. 25
To process queries. (To view the generated ranking open the <file.result> )
./QueryProcessor configFile