#Tangiable Holographic Sketch
This is a WIP project
if you encounter a problem, email Arc.
#Build ##Clone and pull this repository
git clone https://github.com/ArcEarth/TangibleHolographicSketch.git
git submodule init DirectXTK
git submodule update
##Tracking Hardware (All optional)
- Vicon Mocap
- Leap Motion
- Kinect 2 for Windows/XBox One
- Windows 8.1+, best with Windows 10
- Visual Studio 2015 (VC++ 14), best with Update 2
##SDK and Library and credits
- Eigen 3.2.6+ (included)
- DirectXTK (git submodule)
- GSL, C++ Core Guidelines Support Library, by Microsoft (included)
- tinyXML2 (included)
- tinyObjLoader (included)
- Wink Signals (included)
- iterator_range.h, by Google (included)
##Use Leap Motion or Microsoft Kinect 2 Define following MARCOS in Envirument Variable $(PATH)
- $(LeapSDK_Root) D:\SDKs\LeapSDK
- $(KINECTSDK20_DIR) C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v2.0_1409\