#Open Avataring Toolkit
This is WIP project, which subject to control arbitary skeleton-mesh with arbitary input skeleton stream.
WIP means:
- No support from Author absolutely. No associate docutment yet.
- The code are also not ensured to compile or run at this stage.
#Build and Dependencies
- Vicon Mocap
- Leap Motion
- Kinect 2 for Windows/XBox One
- Customized Engein
- Unreal 4.10 + (Todo)
- Unity 5 + (Todo)
- Windows 8.1+
- Visual Studio 2015 (VC++ 14)
##External SDK and Library
- Eigen 3.2.6+ (included)
- DirectXTK (included)
- tinyXML2 (included)
- tinyObjLoader (included)
- GSL (included)
- CGAL (included)
##Makesure / Define following MARCOS in Enviroment Variable $(PATH)
- $(LeapSDK_Root) D:\SDKs\LeapSDK
- $(KINECTSDK20_DIR) C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v2.0_1409\
- $(FBX_SDK_ROOT) C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FBX\FBX SDK\2016.1.2