This is my user manual. If we are working together (or planning to), please read it carefully. You will learn how to deal with me productively and avoid misunderstandings.
- I need to understand why I'm doing something
- I love working as a part of a team, not as an individual
- I love pair programming
- I like to have a very basic working version first and iterate on it
- I love to help
- honesty
- direct and straight communication
- people who quickly get to the point
- leading by example
- process for the sake of process
- long meetings where no actions are taken at the end
- indirect feedback (heard from third parties)
- chat (public channel unless it's personal)
- email is ok...ish
- absolutely not by phone
- I need some context first
- I understand the problem
- I draft some options and evaluate them
- I pick the one which is less complicated but at the same time doesn't prevent further improvements
- I iterate and improve the implemented solution
- give me cooking tips not ready meals! - I appreciate help and I don't hesitate asking for it when I need, but whenever I do I like to be given tips to unblock me not a ready solution or someone else doing the task for me.
- offer me to do pair programming
- dogs (especially Basset Hounds)
- music (listening to and playing acoustic guitar, bass guitar and analogic synths)
- cooking
- photography
- learning new cool things
- warm beer
- Italian food blasphemy (like putting pineapple on pizza, "fettucine Alfredo", etc... 😜 )