Community Development - GeoServer

Community Development

The GeoServer team channels of communication. If you are interested in joining the team please contact us!

If you are not in a position to communicate in public, please contact one of our commercial support providers.

Code of Conduct

GeoServer communication channels follow the contributor code of conduct. This is the code of conduct policy recommended by OSGeo. In addition please ensure you have read through the guidelines before creating a post.

GeoServer Developer Forum

The GeoServer Developer forum is available for communication among developers working on the GeoSever codebase.

Being an open community means that sending email to individual developers is discouraged. Instead communication should take place on the forum. Responding in public is an opportunity to help anyone else with the same question.

The GeoServer Developer forum is hosted on Discourse provided by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. The forum contains all 20+ years of content from the archived SourceForge email list.

Developer Forum

This list is for developers to discuss topics related to GeoServer development. If you're knee deep in the code it's the place to email. Traffic can be high, as we try to make most all conversations public so people know what's going on.
Do not report security vulnerabilities here. See the Security Policy for guidance.

Discourse Forum Sign In

Discourse allows you to sign-in with credentials you already have:

  1. Login to
    • Developers "Log in with GitHub" to use GitHub credentials.
    • Vistors can use Sign Up to create an account for use with the Forum.
    • OSGeo Members use with LDAP sign in with OSGeo UserID.

    OSGeo provides step by step instructions on signing into discourse using GitHub, OSGeo User ID LDAP, or setting up a new account.

    Discourse Login
  2. Join the GeoServer Developer Group.
    Discourse GeoServer Developers Group
  3. To post a new topic navigate to GeoServer / Developer and use New Topic.
  4. To test please send introduce yourself we are looking forward to meeting you.

Discourse use as mailing list

To use email as the primary way of interacting with the GeoServer User forum follow these instructions.
  1. Sign-in to Discourse Forum as above
  2. From your profile Preferences, use the Emails tab to adjust email settings.
    IMPORTANT: Enable Mailing list mode to get all email. This setting avoids missing email when discourse website is open.
    Discourse Email Preferences
  3. Navigate to GeoServer / Developer. Click on the bell in the top right corner and change notifications to Watching.
    If you wish to update any email rules the mailing list is
  4. You can then send email to start a new topic.
    To test please send an email to introduce yourself (rather than a test message).

GeoServer Developer Manual

The GeoServer Developer Manual describes the project including source code, how to build, software translation, development process, software releasing, and other administrative work.

A Documentation Manual is available with writing guidelines and tips.

GeoServer Meeting

The GeoServer team attend a 1 hour bi-weekly video chat. This is call is primarily for project steering committee to discuss day to day project management issues but all developers who are actively engaged in GeoServer development are welcome.

Meetings are at 17:30 UTC. If you wish to attend keep an eye on the developer forum for an invite / reminder.


Development and release coordination:

Keep in mind this is a venue to work on GeoServer and not intended to be a live question and answer session.