UNEEK (Uneekflow) Lyrics, Songs, and Albums | Genius
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UNEEK (Uneekflow)

AKA: D. Davidson, ​​helfreakibully, and Uneekflow

About UNEEK (Uneekflow)

D. Davidson, known professionally as UNEEK (also as Uneekflow), is an underground American recording artist who has rose to fame since his beginning within the music scene in late 2022. He has brought in fans with his versatility, his distinctive sound and multiple bilingual songs, such as “RED CUP”, “RANGE” and his feature on Russian rapper 9mice’s “BADMAN”.

On December 30, 2022, UNEEK would drop his first single, “Serious”. This would then be followed up with two more singles, “No Evil” and “Helfreaki”, as he accompanied producers F1LTHY and Gab3 on their international “00RAV3” tour. Through this, UNEEK would gain more attention and, alongside support from TikToker 44bor, would go on to release his debut album, August 2023’s BULLY. The EP featured the track “OUTSIDE” which would gain traction within TikTok’s underground music community. With even more support now growing, UNEEK would feature on Russian rapper 9mice’s “BADMAN”. This would lead on to his January 2024 EP, SICK, and his February 2024 single “RED CUP” with German rapper Ufo361. UNEEK would then prepare for the release of another project, LOVEVSFEAR, with three singles, “ON ME”, “PET” and “ADDY”.