Pedro The Lion Lyrics, Songs, and Albums | Genius
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Pedro The Lion

About Pedro The Lion

Pedro the Lion is an indie rock band from Seattle, Washington fronted by David Bazan. Currently, the band includes Erik Walters (guitar) and Sean Lane (drums). Past lineups have included TW Walsh, Casey Foubert, Johnathon Ford, Trey Many, James McAlister, Ken Maiuri, Ben Gibbard, and Benjamin Brubaker, among others.

Pedro the Lion was originally active from 1995-2006, at which point Bazan began recording under his own name. Bazan reformed the band in 2017 for an extensive North American tour that stretched throughout most of 2018. In January 2019, Pedro the Lion released Phoenix, the band’s first album in 15 years.

Pedro the Lion’s music is primarily guitar-driven rock with mid- and slow tempos, minimalist arrangements, and an emphasis on melody. Their early work is often categorized in the “slowcore” genre, with bands like Low and Bedhead. Lyrically, their songs are infused with references to Christianity and reflect the erstwhile religious faith of the now-agnostic Bazan. Pedro’s songs are a mixture of first-person confessional and fictional narrative-driven songwriting. Winners Never Quit and Control are both concept albums with their own album-length stories.