JPEGMAFIA Lyrics, Songs, and Albums | Genius
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AKA: Peanut Butta Thug, Left-wing Hades, Young Peglord, Peglord, Buttfuck Nowhere, Lil World Cup, DJ Half-Court Violation, Buttermilk Jesus, Barrington D. Hendricks, Darkskin Manson, Barrington Hendricks, and Barrington DeVaughn Hendricks


Barrington DeVaughn Hendricks (born October 22nd, 1989), better known by his pseudonym JPEGMAFIA, is an American rapper and producer based in Los Angeles, by way of Baltimore, Maryland.

Born in New York to Jamaican parents, JPEG spent the bulk of his childhood in East Flatbush, Brooklyn (deeply rooted in West Indian culture and black pride) & most of his mid-teens in deep south rural Alabama, bouncing from place to place due to rough circumstances at home.

After high school, JPEG joined the Military, deploying to different parts of the world, meeting fellow artists, and adding new elements to his producing and rapping repertoire. His experience in Japan was the most influential on Hendryx and his future music.

While he lived in Japan from 2009 – 2013, he made music under the name Devon Hendryx.