Europalia Arts Festival Indonesia の公式サイトに出ていました。
The Javanese dancer Rianto learnt the gender-transcending ‘lengger’ dance
from the old masters on his home turf. As this tradition is under growing
pressure from religion and politics, he is fighting to preserve this little
piece of culture and the mental in-between-space that the dance represents:
the space between being a man and being a woman, between ancient customs and
religious principles, and between traditional and contemporary life.
Medium is Rianto’s universal plea for freedom and the abandonment of dogmatic
thinking. For this solo, he collaborates with the leading Indonesian film-maker
Garin Nugroho. The piece is certain to offer artistic fireworks and content that
really matters. Expect to see virtuoso dance and magical documentary images fused
into a single ‘Medium’.
Rianto tahun 2017
テーマ:"Heritage, Contemporary, Creation, and Exchange”
会期:10 Oktober 2017 - 21 Januari 2018
開催地:Inggris, Perancis, Jerman, Belanda, Belgia, Austria, Polandia
プログラム: 247
20 pameran
71 pertunjukan tari dan teater
95 pertunjukan musik
apresiasi 34 karya sastra
pemutaran 18 film,
9 konferensi
Medium, Tarian Lintas Gender dari Banyumas
2017年 10月 25日
インドネシア 東南ア初のテーマ国に 欧州の文化祭典「ユーロパリア」Europalia 2017 来年1月まで魅力発信 2006年 06月 14日