About Fujisawa SST
Town service – Wellness –
Social interaction helps all people associated with the town to live a physically and psychologically healthy life
Is there such a thing as a town where all residents, from children to the elderly, can live comfortably in the way they want? The world is facing many problems, including a low birth rate and aging populations. Fujisawa SST gives one answer to this question ‒ social interaction. The town will provide a Wellness SQUARE, a focus for elderly care facilities, assisted residences for the elderly, pharmacies, home care services, clinics, nursery centers, after-school day-care centers, cram schools, etc. In this area, a range of services are seamlessly linked across field boundaries to efficiently offer optimum services to every resident. Still more, there will be opportunities for naturally linking people and fostering interaction among those who come to the Wellness SQUARE. The elderly can pass down their knowledge and skills to children, and children can brighten the lives of the elderly. Fujisawa SST aims to create a town that can always present this charming sight.
A “local comprehensive care system” for providing linked and seamless medical care, nursing care, elderly care, and pharmaceutical services
For example, medical care and elderly care have up to now been regarded as entirely different fields. Patients returning home after hospitalization tend to find it hard to get essential home care, due to distance limitations and lack of information. To overcome these problems, a “local comprehensive care system” needs to be built to provide appropriate services seamlessly that meet residents’ needs. Fujisawa SST will promptly set up this state-driven system, and provide linkedservices that transcend the traditional borders of medical care,nursing care, elderly care and pharmaceutical services. Based on residents’ health information and treatment information,we will examine measures to provide services as and when needed using ICT (Information and Communication Technology)..
Plan and hold diverse health promotion events.
Based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and other administrative bodies for utilizing ICT and health checkup data, we will plan and hold events for the maintenance of good health and contribute to the welfare of the local population including individuals such as full-time homemakers, who have few opportunities to have health checkups.
- Nursery schools, cram schools and after-school day-care centers for developing ”thinking skills” – The basis of ”zest for living”
A nursery school is created not merely to shorten waiting lists for nursery schools. It is an opportunity to develop children’s individuality and to foster thinking skills. Cram schools and after-school day-care centers are also provided in response to children’s urges to “learn” and “acquire knowledge.” The Wellness Square will provide study-support services in combination with a nursery center, to form a basis for developing a “zest for living.” The Wellness Square also supports daily health care.
- Library zone and laboratory zone for enjoying warm connections with the community
The Wellness Square will include a community place that is freely open to Fujisawa SST residents. A collection of picture books and encyclopedias is placed in the library zone to stimulate curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Both children and adults will be intrigued by the experimental kits in the laboratory zone. Children visiting the Well SITE* to do their summer homework projects are likely to receive kindhearted advice from elderly people waiting for clinical examination. Residents strolling into the Well SITE* may find themselves chatting for the first time with other residents. Warmth and people-to-people interaction at the SITE is what marks the town as special.
- Residents listen to and respond to other residents’ interest in “learning” and their “desire to pass on” their experience. All the people in the town take center stage in communication
A wide range of opportunities, including parent-child science lessons, baby food seminars, and advisory office are provided to ensure“ bringing new energy”. The town not only offers “opportunities”, but also has a system that lets residents take the lead in planning“ opportunities”. For example, a resident who plays the ukulele as a hobby holds ukulele lessons, or people who want to learn English hold English conversation classes by inviting residents who have studied abroad to teach the class. The residents themselves generate social interactions that broaden their knowledge and outlook. New-style lifelong learning another feature of Fujisawa SST.